“I-I’m f-fine.” I managed to choke out.

“Alright then...see you.” He replied, obviously unconvinced.

Without a further word, I hung up. I momentarily rested my head against the cool metal surface of the pay phone box. I bit my lip, hard. The bitter tang of blood sprouted on my tongue and I spat. Instead, I tugged gently at my lip ring out of habit.

My cheek began to burn in pain again, and I knew without a doubt I had procrastinated long enough.

I was dreading it, but I knew I would have to go to a hospital. The cut on my head was making me precariously dizzy, which experience had told me would only worsen after time. This wasn’t like the usual cuts and scarpes I had accumulated. This was more acutely described as a gash.

I grimaced, not wanting to have to do anything about this. In all honesty, I was scared. Terrified. Hospitals brought to many memories back that I didn’t want to relive.

I bit my lip once again despite the fact it was already bleeding from before. I would have to get this over and done with.

                But that doesn’t mean you have to go through it alone.

In a moment of courage, I pulled out a tiny scrunched up piece of paper from my jean pocket. The familiar writing made me smile slightly, and I pushed a few dollars into the slot before I lost the courage to do so.

I dialled the number and felt myself bounce on the balls of my feet. Nervousness filled me, but when she answered, I felt a smile grace my lips.

“Hello, Domino’s Pizza, how may I assist you beside provide you with a good dose of food poisoning?”

I began to laugh despite the terrible situation I had found myself in. I shook my head, despite the pain in my chest.

“Alex? Hi, sorry, I thought you were someone else.”

“I-...it’s fine.” I replied shakily.

“How are you?” She asked me.

“W-will you come to the hospital with me?” I asked her in a rush, completely disregarding formalities. I knew I would chicken out if I didn’t just ask now, and so I waited for her reply, biting my lip hard.

“O-Of course! Are you okay?” She asked.

“Yeah...” I swallowed.

“Where do I meet you?” Willow asked, clearly taking charge.

“C-cafe?” I ventured hesitantly.

“I’ll be there as soon as I can.” Willow replied. “See you soon.”

“Th-thanks.” I replied. I hung up and made my way towards the cafe as fast as I could. However, the blood loss had made me extremely dizzy and I hadn’t eaten for a day at least. Not a good combination.

Either way within ten minutes I had arrived, seeing as the pay phone I had used was about fifteen minutes away. I sat against the wall, feeling the world slowly blur around me. My vision had become choppy, like I was witnessing everything through a few camera shots. I blinked hard, and raised a hand to my cheek. The gash had begun to bleed again and the red liquid was now running down my face.

A middle aged woman walked past me, laughing on the phone. She rolled her eyes and replied to the person on the receiving end.

“Oh, he’s such a cutie! I love-”

Her words were cut off when she caught sight of me. IT probably didn’t help that I was grimacing. Now add this to the whole blood dripping profusely down my cheek thing. Oh, not to mention the entire dark clothing that no one seemed to be that fond of.

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