David pat my knee shaking his head, his eyes redden looking at me with devastation. We've been through so much, we're like brothers and even though we split apart for awhile nothing changed between us.

"I tried David...I tried so hard to fight it for Haliey." I look at her from the side talking to Skyler in the corner. I felt tears rolling down my face at the thought of her being alone when I'm gone. That's what hurts the most really, not the chemo and not this god damn cancer its looking at my daughter's eyes and seeing the pain I put her through.

 David pat my shoulder in comfort. "It's not like I'm giving up, I just don't want to spend the rest of my life throwing up all night and we both know I can't do it, I can't fight it anymore and that's okay I had a good life. I will be with Haliey again." I smiled at the thought.

To my surprise I found David with tears in his eyes and true pain erupt his face that reflects Amy's. 

"You're like my brother Tim, it hurts to have to see you like this." He wipe his face.

"I'm going to be okay I know everything will be okay" I blink away my tears, smiling through the pain. "But can you do something for me?" I look at both of them.

"Anything, you name it"

"I can't bare to have to leave Haliey all alone in a foster home, we have nobody else I only have you. I'm asking you if you can look after her? For me?" I begged.

"Sure, no anything. I'll take her into my house, she can live there as long as she want." He offered.

"Yeah we'll look after your daughter" Amy smiled.

"Thank you so much," I weakly smile, feeling all emotional.

"The least I can do, you know I'm sorry for cutting you off in my life I didn't mean to I just got-

"It's fine Davey don't worry about it. Nothing changed you're still my bestfriend" We both smiled at each other crying like little girls.

"Dad are you okay?" My worried daughters voice rang against my ear.

I look up to her with a smile, she drop to her knees so she can look at me properly. I kiss her forehead wishing I could take away the pain she's feeling. I know this will hurt her so much when I leave. She's a good daughter anyone could ask for. I know she comes in my room to check up on me every night, and I hear her cry sometimes and that just broke my heart completely.

"I'm fine angel." I smiled.

"Maybe..you should rest? Are you tired?" She frown at me always taking care of me more then I did for her.

"I'm fine sweetheart."

"okay but if you're tired tell me" She said like a loving daughter that she is. I pat her hand assuring her. She walk away hesitatingly, she sat far from us watching TV.

"She's beautiful, she looks exactly like her" David said looking at my daughter.

"She is" I smiled proud.

We talked for alittle while when we look at the clock and almost midnight. I can see Haliey watching me like I'm about to break any second.

"So I think we should get going" David suggested.

"Yeah, I had a great time" I smiled wheeling myself next to them as they walk.

"I want to do something for you two." David spun around and face us.

"Let me take you both to the majestic hotel in Paris." David grinned. 

"No, no thank you David, that's kind of you but I don't think so that's too much of you to spend on dear old me" I shook my head quickly at the offer.

"No it's not." He grinned. "Since when did you turn down an offer to travel?" He chuckled memories flashing through his eyes "Remember it's us four racing around the world chasing new memories. How about one final memory." His voice softened. 

My eyes softened staring at him remembering all the happy, stupid, horrible, hilarious, amazing, horrifying memories.

"Yeah, it would be fun. I can get to know your daughter for a bit." Amy smiled over at Haliey who looked uncomfortable.

"Come on old man, you're coming with me and your lovely daughter alright? I'll call later, you better not pretend to be sick or something" He joked while Amy smack him in the back of the head I laughed shaking my head at him. David always takes everything as a joke that's just the way he is, that's how he cope with things and that's the great thing about him. He doesn't sit around and be sad about it, he laughs and make the best out of it.

"Thanks David" I smiled grateful.

"No problem" He grin

When they left Haliey wheeled me to my room, the first thing I look at is the picture of the three of us complete as a family just for a second we were a family. She was in a hospital bed holding little Haliey while I was looking both at them lovingly. Everything was perfect.

"So...Paris? That should be fun?" Haliey spoke.

"Yeah I've always wanted to go there we never really traveled there only for a stop" I smiled.

She stop near the bed and held her hand for me, I stood up shakily and sat on the bed immediately feeling myself drained all my energy.

"Yeah," She sighed. "Make good memories while it last" She said sadly checking at the cords of the machine.

"It'll be great for you and me" I reassured. "I finally get to take my daughter on the other side of the world." I grinned.

"About time dad." She jokes smiling slightly connecting the cable cords on my chest, and turned it on. I grab her hand making her look at me.

"Thank you, for everything" I smiled.

"You're welcome dad" She gave the same smile her mother has, "I'm glad you had fun tonight"

"David is great, I'm happy it's never awkward between us" I took the covers over me.

"He's seems like a nice guy" She said surprise.

I yawned feeling drowsy and light headed, I lay my head on the pillow as my eye lids become heavy.

"Night dad" I heard her say as she flick the light off.

"Night angel" I mumbled, I listen to the beat of the machine telling me I'm still alive.

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