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-Kiins POV-

« 2 days later «


"I don't want to leave you baby" Nate says kissing my forehead, making me gagging mentally. I still can't forget that his lips has been on other females, that he's done stuff with other females as well.

"You have work you should go" I say my voice breaking, I still can't get over the fact that he doesn't wear his ring to work, what's the point of wearing mines if he can't wear his?

"Are you gonna be okay?" He asks looking at me, I nod my head not being able to trust my voice. He kisses my forehead and gets off the bed as i get under the sheets hiding myself.

I haven't left my room in two days, I haven't told him about being pregnant, I don't want to bring another baby into the world only to be without both of their parents, but it's what I have to do.

After 30 minutes Nate comes out of our walk in closet with his suit and tie, he looks so handsome, I can see why girls can't keep their hands to themselves.

"I'll be back in a couple of hours okay? We can unpack everything when I come back" He says coming to me and kissing my lips, I still love him, but somewhere deep inside I hate him, I want him to hurt as much as I am.

"Okay, I'll see you later" I say as he leaves the room, finally. I start crying once again, this is the 100th time I've cried in the past couple of hours, I hate myself for that. I blame myself for him cheating, it's probably my fault.

"Mommy" Ana and Kelsey come inside the room getting on the bed and under the sheets. I wipe my tears and look at them smiling, at least I still have my children that love me.

"Come on, get ready" I say getting off the bed and putting my hair into a ponytail. I'm not staying here another day, I've been waiting for him to leave so we can leave. I pack everything that I own and put it inside my suit case.

"Where we going mommy?" They ask me, what am I suppose to tell them? Your dad cheated on me and he doesn't love me anymore and we're gonna leave? I can't break their heart like that but it's for the best.

"Vacation, let's go" I say changing my clothes wearing black on top of black and I get my sunglasses and slide them on. The kids stuff is already packed, Nate thought I was feeling to depressed unpack our stuff, little did he know.

They end up twinning, they have their mini Louis Vuitton backpacks and a black dress and some black boots, the LV Nate and I bought for their birthday last year.

I pick up all of our stuff hauling it down to Valerie's car and I get the kids car seats and buckle them up as Val gets the rest of the luggage and we finish up sticking them into the back. I run back upstairs quickly writing a note for Nate and I set my ring right next to it.

We drive off getting to the airport in a hour and we get through security and everything. Paparazzi of course was asking what was going on and coming at me with questions on question, I ignored them and finally got on my plane and we flew off to our destination.

-Nate's POV-

"Babe?" I call out as I enter the house I lock it and go upstairs as I hear no noise, my heart races as I enter the room to find none of her clothes or the luggage inside the closet and I rush into the kids room to check but there's nothing there.

"Fuck" I yell as I go back into our room and call her only to be sent to voice mail, I see a paper on the nightstand and her ring I walk towards her, it's probably a letter.

So if you're reading this, I probably made the right choice and left you, I don't know why it was so hard to leave you because it wasn't hard for you to cheat on me. You make me feel insecure and horrible about myself, and finding out that you cheated on me just made everything worse.

I tried everything to make sure that I was good enough for you, but I'm sorry that in the end I couldn't be. I blame myself for you cheating, maybe if I tried harder in the relationship you wouldn't cheat, maybe if I looked like her you wouldn't have cheated. I feel stupid, I'm hurt and I'm angry, but before I end this letter, I'm pregnant, I have been for 2 months now.

I didn't tell you because I thought you were stressed out and I didn't think me being pregnant would do anything. I hope that you hurt as much as I am, but I'm not gonna do anything, karma will get you. I hate you Nate Montgomery Maloley. -YOUR EX! (p.s don't come looking for us, you won't find us.)

I was getting teared up at the letter but my anger was taking over me, how dare she fucking leave me? I made a mistake we could've fixed this. I never meant to hurt her, she's so stubborn.

She's carrying my child and she thinks she could just leave?

I will find you Kiin, I promise you that.


Wow welp, that was the last chapter pretty boring, but I mean it's finally over amiright?

Uh I wasn't rly trying to write a third book but idk, I might maybe but I start school next month so.

If you guys want a third book tell me in the comments or pm me. Or use your imagination and makeup your own ending!

THIS BOOK sucks completely, if you wanna check out my other books you can.

Stay humble rats! 🕷🕷

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