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-Nate's POV-

"You care for me, but love another"

It took all of my strength for me not to break down, I tried so hard to act serious and, she looked so beautiful and grown up

I sound pathetic still gawking over my ex when she's moved on, I've tried to get in touch with her but she blocked all of my social medias

I had no way to talk to her, I missed her so much I have no words to explain, she was the first person I really loved

You might be wondering what I'm doing with Kendall well we started dating 2 months ago, it's going okay but she isn't Kiin.

"Nate?" The girl that was here for an interview ask snapping me out of my thoughts

"It's Maloley to you m'am" I said seriously, the girl looked familiar but I couldn't pick up where I knew her from

I knew a lot of women.


"Okay well thank you for your time, I'll get back to you" I say while getting up from my chair and shaking her hand

She nodded and walked to the door swaying her hips in her tight black dress that stopped at her knees

Who was I suppose to pick for an assistant? My ex girlfriend or this random chick which wasn't qualified at all

If I hire Kiin maybe it'll work out for us, maybe we could start over because god I've missed her beautiful smile and her brown eyes

Her nice thick curvy body, her long hair with a unique color and the way she could make me smile in a minute

But the problem was she's soon to be married to that asshole Gilinsky, what the hell does she see in him? He's not attractive

He has no money last I heard he was working as a hotel manager , I chuckled at the thought of them even getting married

I decided to hire Kiin because she's seems good for the job, and I need her with me

Kiinsolewoods@gmail.com; Ms.Woods, I'd like to inform you that you were the only qualified person that applied to this job, we'll talk about payment and everything tomorrow. Be here 9 o clock sharp, don't be late!

It might come off weird because usually it takes a couple of days until a company responses to your proposition

I looked thru her application which contained her number and address, I quickly saved her phone number on my phone

"Kiin 💍"

Cheesy but she isn't even mines.


-Kiin's POV-

I was currently reading Derek Luh fan fiction on wattpad waiting for Jack to come home, he's always coming home late, lately

I closed the tab and started looking or wedding dresses, I decided to check my emails to see if I got any responses from any jobs I applied for

NateMaloley@gmail.com;Ms.Woods, I'd like to inform you that you were the only qualified person that applied to this job, we'll talk about payment and everything tomorrow. Be here 9 o clock sharp, don't be late!

9? Who the hell gets up that time, I mean I'm happy I got the job but I should've applied for another position

I'm gonna be Nate maloley's assistant, the guy Id took a bullet for a couple of years ago I'll be working for him

It won't be awkward, it'll be like a new start.

I groaned because I'm overthinking, I headed towards Jack and I's closet and looked through to find something to wear tomorrow

I picked out a nude spaghetti dress and some white heels, it was pretty warm in California so I didn't need a jacket

I set them out on one of the chairs that were in our room, I looked at the time on my phone and saw it was 10

I decided not to wait anymore for Jack and head to bed, I set a clock for 6 am because god knows how long I take now

I turned off the lights and tried to fall asleep, I wasn't tired until I hear a ding come from my phone

I quickly grab it and see a message from an unknown person

From unknown; Hey


To unknown; Who is this?

From unknown; For me to know and you not to know

I rolled my eyes it was probably a 30 year pervert

To unknown; Bye.

From unknown; Goodnight darling.

I blocked them quickly and decided to text Jack

To 💍 2 be; Baby where are you? I miss you1!!1

It delivered, he was probably driving I didn't want him to text and drive, I turned off my phone quickly

I finally fell asleep.




[word count; 816]


Assistant ✧ NATE MALOLEYWhere stories live. Discover now