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-Kiin's POV-

"You gave me panic attacks and I called them love"

My alarm went off I groaned and rolled out of bed falling out of it, I saw Jack sleeping next to me

I gave him a small peck on the cheek and headed towards the bathroom, I left my hair in braids once again and reopened them

I washed my face and went into the shower, I put on my shower cap or hair cap I really don't know what it's called

After my shower I grabbed my towel, yes after 6 years I've learned to just leave my towel in the bathroom or not to forget it

But I don't mind walking around the bedroom naked, no one will see but my future husband, the love of my life

I removed the shower cap and left it in the bathroom, I brushed out my hair then straightened it

I dropped my towel and changed into my clothes, the dress is short but stops to my knees

Don't worry

I shaved.

I applied some deodorant and put on my heels and sprayed some perfume I got from VS, I sat down on my chair

I started applying my makeup, I don't do the natural look anymore I don't know what I was thinking in high school

I looked in the mirror one more time to see if I looked good or even okay, I looked pretty good I mean I go to the gym a lot now

I decided to just stop by 7 eleven and buy a pumpkin spice latte and a hash brown from McDonald's


I threw away my food and headed inside the building which I still haven't figured my way around

There were some people but it wasn't full like it was yesterday morning, I remembered where Nate's office was from yesterday

I went straight to the elevator not going to the front desk asking for directions, I went up 5 floors until I was there

Nate's office was all the way at the end of the hallway, that's so much work I might go to the gym only to get a flat stomach

But in reality that shit is tiring.


I didn't knock on the door I just went straight inside, I was heading inside until I saw some girl under the desk

Many groans and moans leaving Nate's mouth, his eyes quickly diverted to me I was disgusted I left and closed the door quickly

There were 2 chairs outside the office so I took a seat and waited for his little "business" to be over, to think 6 years he would've stopped

I heard the door open and I quickly got on my phone and started texting Jack pretending like I was doing something

The girl fixed out her skirt and her blouse and I saw the familiar face it was just Kendall, I rolled my eyes while she shot me a dirty look

Bitch fight me.

I stood up and went inside of the office where Nate was zipping up his pants and fixing his suit

May I point out on how fucking good he always looks in a suit, like the feels right now.

"Sorry-" He says but I cut him off not wanting to speak of what just happened

"So what does assistant do in this case?" I say asking looking at him dead in the eye, his beautiful brown eyes that I fell in love with

"Um coffee, run errands, and do some extra paper work" He says trying to keep his eyes on mines but miserably failing and looking at my chest

"Payments?" I say clearing my throat catching his attention, what a perv.

Didn't say that 6 years ago.

"3000 dollars a month" He says making me look at him in shock, 3000 dollars for coffee and paper work?

"Oh okay" I say trying to contain all my thoughts about how much fast food I'll be able to buy

"Let me take you to lunch" He says making me still look at him in shock

"Wha-at?" I say stuttering my words

"Let me take you to lunch"

"As in a date because I'm actually soon to be marri-" I start babbling on but being cut off by Nate

"No I'm gonna show you where my favorite lunch places are so you know where to pick up my food when asked" He says his face expression becoming unable to read

My cheeks turn to a shade of rose red making me look down at my lap, I'm embarrassing why do I even have friends

"Oh" I say my eyes not daring to look at his, I heard a small chuckle escape his lips

"I missed how nervous you got" He says lowly making my eyes quickly look up at him

I missed that ten inch dick.

"So lunch?" I say moving on from the awkward conversation, I don't wanna bring up our past its in the past.

"Yea sure" He says while getting up from his seat while walking towards the office door, he opens it for me

"Thank you" I say quietly and walk out before him, I hear the door being shut and locked I stand there for a little until he catches up with me

I feel eyes on my body, yes I can literally see him staring at body, which made me feel uncomfortable

"First we have to stop by Men's warehouse, I need to get a couple of ties"

"You don't know how to even wear them correctly" I say bluntly looking up at him, I felt really short standing next to him

"Well maybe you can show me" He says giving me a small smile, it felt like my heart fell to my butt cheeks



WHERE YOU AT JACK 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔💃🏽


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