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-Jack Gilinsky's POV- Comment.

"We don't fuck with these thots"


"Where are you going baby" Madison's annoying voice chimes through my head, I roll my eyes. I deeply regret cheating on Kiin, honestly I'll take her back in heartbeat.

"I'm going out okay" I said, I really am going out. Johnson invited me to the party today, I'm already one hour late because Madison and I just did well, I'm pretty sure you can guess.

"Why can't I come" She pouts coming to me and moves my hands from my tie causing my tie to mess up and I was almost fucking done.

"You got studies, I'll be back later" I said removing my tie and sticking into my pants pockets, I hear her mutter something but I choose to ignore it and head out.

"Love you" I hear her say, I don't reply I just head out the door and head down towards the lobby. I miss Kiin, I'm such a fuck-up.

To Johnson wise man: I'm on my way.

I close my door and head out the lobby's door and go to my black Mercedes, Kiin and I wanted to match but she got a BMW.

We have the same matte black color, we looked so good together, I hate that I'm still thinking about her even after a month or so.

I drive to Johnson and Valerie's house while listening to the Weeknd, Madison called me about 10 times and I haven't even entered their house, can't a guy catch a break?

I park my car up in their driveway which is almost full but I park it inside of their large garage because I already know the pin for the garage.

I see Kiin's black matte BMW, as I see Johnson's and Valerie's car. This garage can fit about 20 cars, but they don't let everyone park their cars in here.

There was another car, it was a matte black car as well I just couldn't tell who it was. It was probably Nate's, Johnson invited the fucker to the party.

"Whoops." I hear someone giggling sounding utterly drunk as hell, I see them walking into the garage, actually not even walking properly. They're wasted out of their mind.

"Who's in here, I have pepper spray" I hear the familiar voice, I already know who is it. I walk towards them, as I assumed it was Kiin.

"Oh you" She says giggling, but sounding a little sad as soon as she sees my face, it kind of hurts because she was always happy to see me. I loved how her eyes lit up as soon as I came into the apartment.

"Where's your little girl" She says referring towards Madison, I grab her as she's almost about to fall, she licks her dry lips I'm fighting the urge to fuck up against the garage wall.

"Uh" She says before moving away from me as my heart aches for the contact of her skin on mines, she walks towards her car, I look at her actions confused.

"Where you going" I ask, she brings out her keys, my eyes quickly widen, I rush towards her, I'm not letting her fucking drink and drive.

"I wanna leave, the walls are closing up" She says as she opens her car, I grab the keys from her and she looks at me anger and sadness in her eyes.

"You're not drinking and driving" I said blandly, she rolls her eyes and walks away. I catch up with her not wanting to let her go and let her leave me again.

"Everyone is so happy" She speaks up with the small silence as we walk around Valerie and Jack's front yard.

"What do you mean" I say confused, I've seen her depressed, suicidal, happy, every single mood. I just can't tell now.

"You and Madison, Jack and Valerie and Nate and Kendall" She says, I open my mouth to be cut off by her ranting to me.

"All of you guys have great jobs, happy lives and you're happy with who you love. I'm just the lonely and sad one out of the group, I hate it, it's getting so hard to put up this act where I have to pretend that I'm happy and I'm okay" She says as we sit down on one of the benches near the pool.

"I hate that I still fucking think about you even if you fucked up, I hate making myself sleep by crying, I hate it all. I want it to end, I'm fucking pathetic" She rambles on her voice shaky, I'm the reason for her unhappiness.

"Come here" I say as I hear her sniffle, she comes closer to me her head laying on my chest, I kiss her forehead.

"Baby you know it's gonna be okay" I say, while brushing her hair away from her face. I miss holding her, it feels so good right now.

"I'm not gonna be with Madison for long, we can do this together. I miss you" I say, I have so much more to say to her but I don't wanna come off desperate, she's intoxicated she won't even remember.

"No" She says as she moves her head from my chest, her mascara is running and her nose is red. I hate that I'm the reason for this, she deserves so much better but I can't handle her with someone else.

"Kiin, Valerie is looking for you" We hear a voice coming towards us, I look up to see Nate Maloley. The fucker that's trying to get my girl, well former girl.

"Kiin are you he-" Nate says stopping as soon as he sees us, Kiin quickly wipes of the mascara and tears off her face hoping he wouldn't see her.

"Sorry I got lost" She says, mental face palm. We know this house from every part, we've been here way to many times to even keep track.

"Hey Nate" The familiar girl comes behind Nate and wraps her hands around his waist, I looked to Kiin, her eyes soften at the sight.

"This is Chanel, my date" Nate says as he gives her a small and meaningless kiss on her cheek, I thought he was dating Kendall? What the fuck is going on, I've been MIA on everything.

Chanel, yes I remember her coming to my hotel before. She's a successful model, she's the highest there is. Kendall hates her, I know because she's always throwing shade towards her.

"Hi nice to meet yo-, hey Jack" She says as she sees my face a little better, I give her a small smile as a hi back, I receive one back.

"Everyone is fucking annoying back there" We hear two familiar voices bickering coming closer to us, I know it's Jack and Valerie.

It's like we haven't been in the same room since well we were celebrating Kiin and I's engagement party, the squad is all together and it's not fun.

"What the fuck, why you bitches leave all of a sudden" Valerie says earning a small chuckle from Kiin and Nate, honestly I miss her laugh.

"I was looking for these two" Nate says pointing to me and Kiin, I see Kiin walking towards the pool, Chanel and Valerie follow her.

"So, it's been a while since we've all been together eh?" Nate says, I hear Johnson mutter a yeah, we hear the girls shrieking and water being splashed.

"It's freezing" Kiin says, I look at the floor to see their dresses and shoes are on the floor and they're swimming with their underwear and bra's.

"What the fuck, are you guys crazy" Johnson says before taking off his tux and shoes, Nate looks at me and back at Johnson then back at me again, I shrug and start doing the same.

Johnson does a cannonball into the pool, Valerie swims towards him as their lips connect. They're the strongest couple going honestly.

"Wait for me" Nate says before jumping in as well, Kiin has a big smile on her face, I jump in as well swimming towards Kiin as Chanel moves to Nate.

"You look good" I say her cheeks turning to the shade crimson red, I smile knowing that I'm the cause of that.

Next thing you know, Kiin attaches her lips onto mines. I quickly reacted back and kissed her passionately as our lips move in sync.

Fuck maybe I can get her back.


Surprise surprise motherfuckers!

This book is annoying and boring oops I might delete it soon.


Comment for next chapter! 💛

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