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-Kiin's POV- Comment.

"Big o'l' booty best friend"

"You take the black one and I'll take the pink one because I'll probably look hotter in the pink" Valerie says causing me to chuckle, she's actually right

"The party is only 5 hours away, you need to chill" I say while taking out the black spaghetti dress from the closet, she huffs and looks at herself in the mirror

The pink one was long and showed some boob cleavage, not a lot, but enough for Jack to get hard as fuck. Speaking of fucking Jack, he invited Nate to the fucking party

I heard he was gonna bring a date, because I mean it's a bring a date kind of party. Sadly I'm fucking single and no guy really wants to answer my text messages so fuck it

"Again explain to me why the hell is Nate coming?" I ask Valerie as she lays down the dress on the bed, I pull out some white heels because white or black goes with everything

"I don't know, Jack invited him." Valerie replies, I roll my eyes, I seem so childish right now but I just don't want him to come, I mean it's not even my party but who cares

"Do you know who his date is" I ask because Kendall is in NYC for a fashion shoot with Vogue, he still is the same asshole that he was a couple of years ago, if your girlfriend isn't here then don't bring another person as a date, period

"That one model Chanel, she's fucking hot as hell. I'd probably go lesbian for her" Valerie says making me throw a shoe at her, I've always idolized that model, I hate my life

"I'm already lesbian for her my heart hurts" I said before walking out of the room and heading downstairs, for the first time I wasn't wearing a oversized shirt and sweats

I was wearing a baby pink two piece with white flats— a pink crop top with a matching pink pencil skirt, I was gonna head out soon to the mall but I'm hungry so fuck

"Nah, you're a fucking weirdo, why you dreaming of Kiin" I hear Johnson talking to someone, who the fuck would wanna dream about me?

"Shut up man, don't say anything" I hear a familiar voice coming into the house, it's Nate, he dreams about me? I mean I would too have you seen these cakes

I come downstairs pretending that I didn't hear anything, they both looked at me wide-eyed, I looked at them confused, they looked so nervous

"Uh, hi" I said before walking to kitchen and getting my keys and wallet. I got my phone and slid it into my bra, they both looked at me awkwardly. What? I have no pockets

"What the fuck are you doing" I hear Johnson ask me, well I'm sticking my phone in my bra, is there a problem?

"Sticking my phone between my boobs dumbfuck" I said rolling my eyes before going into the fridge and bringing out some ice cream, completely ignoring that Nate is just listening

"Why'd you touch the ice cream, like can't you fucking see it has my name written on it bitch" I say bringing out the empty box of ice cream, I loved this ice cream more then I loved sex

"It was good" Johnson says causing my heart to hurt, I feel like this hurts more then a heartbreak

"Square up bitch" I say walking over to him dropping the empty box into the garbage, he walks behind Nate. I look up at Nate he's so fucking tall, but I'm almost near his height

"Fight me Nate" I say walking up to him, I don't fucking know what's going on with me currently but I feel like beating up someone

"Calm down" Nate says as Johnson walks over to the couch, I see Valerie coming downstairs with some shorts and a black tank top with no bra

"Holy the queen" I say pretending to bow down to her, her boobs are so fucking hot. I'm so lesbian

"I don't see Beyoncé around" I hear Valerie say, I chuckle at her joke as Nate walks towards the couch and sits down next to Johnson

"Since everyone's here lets play a game" Valerie suggest, I was gonna steal some food and leave what the fuck she mean play a game

"Let's play truth or dare" I hear Johnson say, I look to Valerie she loves truth or dare her eyes light up, I hear Nate agree and we all sit down on the couch

"Wait I'm uncomfortable, I want my sweats" I say, I hate wearing tight shit. I walk upstairs and head towards the room taking 6 minutes to change

I changed into my sweats and a white tank top and headed down the stairs, I sat down next to Valerie as we faced the two guys

"Okay, truth or dare Valerie" Nate says, Valerie of course chooses dare. She's a fucking weirdo, but she's my weirdo

"I dare you to give Johnson a lap dance" Nate says, Johnson has an amused look on his face, Valerie is smirking and walks over to him

"Ain't nothing new" I hear Johnson say causing Nate to chuckle

After their little "dance" it was finally my turn and it was Johnson asking me truth or dare, he's a fucking unpredictable person but who cares


"I dare you to make out with Nate, for two minutes straight. I'll time you" He says causing me to look at him wide eyed, I look to Valerie she looks rather happy about this

Nate has an unreadable expression on his face, I don't wanna do this. He has a fucking girlfriend, and he's a weirdo that dreams about me, why?

"Come on, no back outs" Valerie adds causing me to roll my eyes, I walk over to where Nate is sitting and sit on his lap, fuck me in the ass daddy

"Oh shit she's gonna do it" I hear Johnson mutter, I cup Nate's face and kiss him, not a small peck not just a boring and bland make out but it was a passionate one

Nate seconds later finally reacted and kissed me back as our lips moved in sync, it felt like fucking fireworks. I think my panties are crying, I can't handle this

"Get it bitch" Valerie says, next thing you know Nate lays me down on the couch, this shit is getting way to intense I don't wanna stop

I finally decided to stop even if there was 20 seconds left, my lipstick was smeared onto his lip area, he looked fucking hot and frustrated

"Well that was um, interesting" Nate says as I get off his lap, I wonder if he felt anything because

I fucking clearly did.

The girl is Nate's date for the party 😻, + yikes I'm so sorry for how many times I wrote the word fuck in this chapter.

I hated this chapter, it fucking sucks but I wanna upload something for you guys because I feel like y'all tired of me uploading slow.

I quit wattpad, adios!

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