Which Charity You donate to

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If you havn't already, check out my Vamps and Union J Preferences and vote and comment. Would mean alot to me :3  

And don't forget to vote and Comment on these ones please My Ickle Chickens ;)


Niall: Irish Autism Action (IAA) 

He hosted an event to raise money for the Charity back in September and both you and him have never stopped giving to them. Every penny counts. Right?

Harry: RSPCA

Imagine all of those little cats with no home. Probably unloved by their previous owners :( Whenever you can spare the time you go and help out with feeding and washing new ones and just spending time with them. However almost every time you go, you both end up falling in love with a little kitten and end up adopting it. A small army of Cats is slowly building in your home which may be hard work but when you get a new one Harry sends out a tweet for names and choses one persons idea! :)

Zayn: Any one really...

Big believer in giving to the less lucky both of you are. You will go around helping at various places and he works on loads of different art which can raise money to give to charity. He loves the artwork and seeing as the house is running out of room for all of his creativity this is a great way to make more room.

Louis: Football Match (Soccer)

Even if Louis threw up ( :/ ) in the last game, He was never dis-heartened and continues to do them. Alot of publicity for both One Direction and Football so either way money is being made and when it comes to a charity match, the majority goes to a Charity.

Liam: Trekstock

Every little helps when it comes to cancer and all you want is there to be a cure as it has taken many loved ones lives. 


Vote, comment and if you can donate to a Charity! 

Hope you enjoyed My Nuggets :)

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