Yeah... NO.

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Apparently I'm not allowed to use explanation marks anymore... so sorry ?

Anyway, My Friend was on my account earlier and may or may not have started something with a reader. Just to say that it wasn't me and I wont be saying the name of that friend because they have a point.

The whole point of Watt pad is to share things that you have enjoyed writing. Also Watt pad has recently said :

'While we encourage users to voice their opinions here on Watt pad, We ask that it be constructive. The feedback should provide substantial information the author can take away to improve their writing or thought process. In essence, we are looking for users to give constructive criticism.

Simply Pointing out the negatives of a story without any value does a disservice and is considered offences, as it only incites arguments and negativity.

Remember Watt pad is a place where we want users to treat each other with respect and civility.'

Basically, this is what I want to say. Many readers have given me their opinions which I completely respect because it is help full to me. However a small margin of viewers are just writing negative things and when somebody writes a comment back to them ,Possibly not even a rude one, to say that it is quite rude to say what they say, they either delete or change it into an argument. Once again I am NOT saying any names because that would easily just cause another argument and that is not the point of Watt pad.

Thank you for reading, and expect an update soon :)

See ya soon My Nuggets :)

PS. I actually don't edit my preferences because I feel as though nothing will be quite like the first copy (which I want viewers to see). So unless I have somehow written everything in Icelandic I won't change it.

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