I can't even compete. Good to know.

"Janet what the hell am I supposed to do? Sit here and just be okay with this? I-"

"Listen, Mariah, calm down. I highly doubt he's even still thinking about her in that way."

Mariah could tell that Janet didn't even believe her own words. But it was no use saying anything more about it right now. Instead, Mariah just shook her head as if Janet could see her and replied, shakily. "If you say so."

March 1st, 1997

"Let's wrap for lunch!" Director Stan Winston called out to the cast and crew. "Michael, I need to talk to you for a second."


"I need you, when you're reacting to the Maestro, I need you to open up a little bit more. Give me appalled versus scared. Can you do that for me?" Stan asked.

"Yeah, of course, of course. I think I just default to that fear you know, as an exaggerated reaction. I'll make sure to adjust there." Michael replied, understandingly.

"Alright, kid. I'm gonna run and get a sandwich. See you in thirty?"


"Michael!" A familiar voice called from behind him.

Michael turned around.

Oh lord, it's her.

"Uhh. Hi." He said.

"How are you?"

"Exhausted." He replied.

"Yeah, it has been a long day, hasn't it?"

He didn't know what to say. In all of his awkwardness, he responded, "Not really."

Shana opened her mouth then quickly closed it. She looked to be in deep thought before responding. "Your disguise is really funny. Did you come up with the idea for this one?"

"Yeah." He avoided her eyes.

"That's really cool. You know, before I even knew the call was for you I saw the concept and immediately scheduled an audition." She explained. "Makes sense that you're behind such a genius operation."

"Thanks." He responded, a little warmer than before.

Michael tried to be as short with her as humanly possible without coming off as rude. As beautiful as she was, he didn't want to give her the wrong idea. He was a married man.

The two made small talk for a bit, Michael maintaining his reserve, until Bill Bray walked up to them with a mysterious woman by his side.

Michael lifted his head up. The woman had on oversized sunglasses, a grand faux fur coat, and a short black bob.

Who is that? Michael thought.

Bill looked at Michael so as to say 'you're screwed'.

"Mike! It's me." The woman whispered harshly.

"Mariah?" Michael asked.


Michael busted out laughing. "What the hell are you wearing? Is that a wig?"

Mariah looked at him, annoyed. "Shut up. I look sexy"

Michael's eyes got big and he grabbed her shoulders, smiling ear to ear, "Baby, you look ridiculous."

"Michael, you look like the Michelin Man got a job on Wall Street. Don't try to play me." Mariah said, flatly.

Michael giggled. "Yeah but I have an actual reason for my costume. Why are you wearing this get up?"

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