Chapter One: Royal Pains

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Deep into the misty, snowy mountains, there is a kingdom, hidden just at the peak of the tallest mountain in Crara. The kingdom was called Mosite Empire.

The castle itself was not much to me but, from what I heard, this castle goes back from millenniums beyond millenniums ago. This is a really old castle to me. My parents, who are the King and Queen of this place have been ruling here for almost two centuries.

My father, Lord Grexxus, God of the Elves and Protector. He is the best definition of true honest power. He looks like a promising, golly old man with his ginger beard reaching almost down to the end of his chin, but when you look up close, you can see the hard exterior, the bravery in his lifeless frown and the Godlike integrity and pride in his hazel eyes. Above all this, my dad is real cool, he really is a great role model for elves everywhere, he is however, currently still trying to perfect skills. He feels like there's more than we know in this world. Luckily he has plenty of resources to support him.

Than there is my mother, Lady Marianna. She is the best physical  example of elegance and bravery.
She became more important to society and was meeting a lot of influential people. With her diligence and intepidness, there's nothing to stop her from accessing her success. That's what I love about her.

Than there's me, Prince Lorcan, the youngest and only child in the Royal elf family. I'm not like any other Prince, I'm one of a kind, as though they say I am. I think of all this royalty stuff as more of a great way for me to be lazy and just do whatever I want.

The only thing that I don't like about this whole thing is that we always have to do these boring events like the event we have today.

We have to do this once a year and I don't enjoy doing this at all. Its called, Grande Crara, the festival is suppose to conduct the celebration of our nations origin through the magic medallion that had been handed down from Kings and princes for many centuries to centuries to centuries and blah, blah, blah.

Honestly, I hate this event so bad only because I have to be the one who is responsible with carrying the medallion and place it right on the ring than everyone is suppose to pray over the medallion for hours and than I have to deliver this annoyingly long speech, which, I think it sucks and I don't really care too much about it. I just want to chill.

The day was December of 123 AD and that was the day, I made the mistake that changed my life forever.


The kingdom was already rushing towards decorations, party favors, food and several people and servants, working on costumes and my parents seemed to be the only people who are calmly nurtured through this whole thing.

"Honey?" Lady Marianna said.

"Yes, dear?" Lord Grexxus said.

"Are you ready for today?"

"Of course"

Grexxus looks at Marianna and noticed the worried look on her face, knowing that she is thinking about their nemesis, Samaria.
He quickly walks towards her and as he reached for her arms, he forces his on her wrists and focused his eyes on her. She looks up and she looks onto his eyes, knowing everything is going to be alright.

"Me and our son are going to lock her up today. Once the medallion is besotted, you won't ever have to worry about her again."

Marianna gives a sigh of relief as she can put her trust on her husband and son. Marianna than gasps as the sudden thought of her son, made her freak out and race through the castle looking for me.
She bashed through doors, kicked down cabinets, screaming my name all around the castle looking for me, "Lorcan!!!!!"

Medallion Chronicles: The Key Of The SummonerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora