New order in the city of heroes

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A few days after the downfall of legion before the last episodes events...

"blackheart boss the piper is here boss way do we do!!!" Yells disposable henchmen 1

(lol little joke on superhero things like all the bad guys henchmen lol)

A in all black and black skull mask almost like the ghost but black and shiny glossy new with a red glowing contacts...well maybe contacts no one really knows

This man turns in his black suit and red tie while holding a pair of tech 9s (and if I'm gun ready I'm quite sure there a type of mini machine guns...then again I'm not exactly gun smart so...not sure)
In a velvety almost void of evil completely a clearly sociopathic person or just really calm maybe worse

"It's ok jerry just do your best then regroup with me if you can I'm so proud of you" he says softly almost immediately jerry aka henchmen 1 Basicly calms and heads off saying "your so wonderful what ever you want sir" almost smiten the henchguy runs off doing as told even when he's clearly hurt he does it fights

"The pipers his should be good...well I'm gone besides some has to be there to be mayor and looks like I'm perfect ha" he mumbles with a chuckle and walks off as Corbin rushes in covered in blood from the other guys blackheart has vanished

"Hey kid he's gone no trace left and I kinda killed the others so no info from them" informs Corbin to max aka seer who stays at the compound where he works as seer the hero who keeps watch and sends out other heroes to aid when he senses trouble and more including tech and gathering information and keeping up contacts in the cops aswells as keeping all the heroes and allies linked and in contact via psychic links or information granted the allies like the cops are handled gently

"Copy that piper come home we have silver eyes closing in" max says and showing a new ability opens a portal vortex type thing at pipers location once he steps in piper is sent to the base in the gear room where the 'costumes' are kept till needed "welcome back Corbin" says max over a intercom as Corbin takes his gear off and smirks "was gonna say honey I'm home but not now good to be home max keep up the great work kid" he says and walks to his home

500 miles away 290 stories up

"Sir are you sure he's the wises choice to test it on? And even if it works can we be sure he's not to much to handle and-" a meerkat cowardly says this to a crocodile who has just now grabs the mammal by the throat to shut him up "better and yes thanks to blacks latest law we can do what ever to him and to answer the second part Jared we can control him but I doubt we will need to seeing how once were done he won't have a good spot in him hehe" chuckles the croc bursting into a roar of manically aimed laughter as they entered a lab he let the *meerkat go and walked to a shielded area "gentlemen what's the stats on project blackstar is he ready?"

"Not yet sir he's uh..awake and fighting back we only just got him tied down with Titan metal (not a type-o fictitious as far as I know metal) and we are about to begin when you walked in sir if-shit he's awake again guard!" Yells a full protective gear wearing scientist as you can hear "let me go you bastards you can't do this AHHHH" yells a shadowy figure from the other side of the 'blackish' glass bullet and power proof

"No! No!!!!!! Agh!!!!!!! Fff- agh uh!!!!!!!!!! Stop please fu-gah!!!!! What what are you!!!!!!!" And scilence well minus... "Subject 50 success blackstar is active"

A computer chirps and the croc gives a toothy razor sharp grin "goooooood" he growls and stomps out turning to order "lock him up and when he's awake start the brain wipe and memory implant then work on getting me his brother and that damned piper!!" He growls "or-" pulls a scientist into his grasp by telekinesis "this" crushes the mans head in his hand like if he squashed pudding

30 miles away

"No Jason!!!!!!!" Jolts a familiar shape in the dark as he pants heavily after he woke from the state he just was in and stands up walking to a mirror "it's Jason he needs our help" the figure says to the reflects only this relegation is grining wild an evilly eyes glowing red while the speaking for is not..

In a hissing distorted evil voice "why should I help you or him when I could just have you all to my self?" Growls the voice from the mirror

"Cause if yiu do then I'll be your meat puppet till you say "realise me" but first you must help me help him only after can you take me over deal?"

"Agreed" says the voice and lighting flash shows it Sammy and vow in the mirror and say out side it.

As to what happen to Jason well that's a story for next time...

*think Tamon from the lion king when thinking of a meerkat if you can't remember what a meerkat looks like :)

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