A little annonucment important

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Hey every. One let me apologize I set a date of realise but sadly I had to push it up some

Second the finally is tomorrow or maybe depending on length the day maybe from tomorrow to three days after

Third I sadly it's announce that season three will take place in a universe diffrent to this one alternate sadly angel will show but will not be living to thd pint she becomes the ghost and jack will not show up in that world

Your favorite characters will be diffrent blackheart and almost villians will be gone and unlike this one

It will feature a more crime drama atmosphere and less drama drama

And for all my readers I have a surprise

I'm having a contest

Any one who enters can enter in the comments the rules are

You must give

A species

Name of character and sex

Any additional info you wanna add is not necessary but if you do it may not be used or some won't or some will

Unlike past ones this contest will have two winners

I would appreciate tho it's optional that one of the submissions is a villain or a  not hero

And now the contest trivia question

What is the authors favorite animal?

The first two right answers will get picked

Thank you all for reading you are awesome and hopefully you'll continue on with me

Ps. Nick and Judy and all will come back in the season 3

THE GHOST: season 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt