A regular day in the life of blackheart

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(Befire we begin a little note chapter will still come but I'm taking on three books including this one at once ones orignal fully mine and the others a fanfic for the game dust an Elysian tail

So plainly put in gonna be writing on those and this so after I finish black hearts day it's gonna be at the most 2-3 weeks later before I can write the next chapter

But I'm still gonna keep writing it I swear

Once I get the others started off well I'll put my time to this again and once I get it to the season 2 finale it hats not for a bit so let's begin)

Friday 13th 12pm midday in the mayoral compound..

Oddly enough you won't believe it but you can hear singing yes singing and a uh guitar?

A red pair of gilded doors swing open and black hearts strumming a guitar and singing he's voice is actually soft and sweet

He finishes when in trumpeted by a henchguy to which-

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT!!!!!" He half whines half yells

The bench guy doesn't have time to answer from the neck breaking snap that's heard as he crumbles to the floor "oops uh never mind" chuckles black lightly as he then skips yes skips to the downstairs office "hey watts my old corrupt chief bestie what's up!!!!" The weirdo says sliding down the railing of the grand staircase landing in said chiefs arms

"Your a wonderful little cutie huh?" She goes

-hold up let's pause watts

Or alice Watson a electric powered female wolf and combined with neon light super speed who works as the chief if all precincts and was heavily in black hearts pocket and backstairs most of the time in

Or alice Watson a electric powered female wolf and combined with neon light super speed who works as the chief if all precincts and was heavily in black hearts pocket and backstairs most of the time in

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

This^ a it helps regulate her heart condition and amplify her powers

Her heart is damaged she got her abilities when during those shock pads for emergency responders to restart a heart had been used Since she was pumped full of drugs by a psychopath on a case

But when the reactor blew the pads rights as they yelled "clear!" The shock almost burst her heart and the lighting corsing in her would cause her to go into cardiac arrest but black star set her up with a suit that if she's in it 23 hours out of 24 she'll be fine and it also gives her a amplify to her powers and a shakriam attached to the hip able to slice through most anything....

So plainly

Police chief alice Watson aka kilo-watts

Or watts for short

Age 29

Gender: Female

Species: Wolf -

Back on point

"Would you get off!!!" She Zappa him till he gets off

"Oowwwwww!!!!!!" He yowls landing in front of her

"Could just say get off domes grumpy what Wolfy not get breakfast?"

He teased gaining a glare from the wolf "well anyway what do I ow this pleasure? Hmm?" He questions fixing two glasses of whiskey

(Ps the helmet in the photo is remove able it does nothing it's separate to suit)

He hands her the glass "well?" He presses on

"We have a problem that wolf Alex his tracker it's dark we lost him and his vitals they were not normal..." She says calmly and downs the glass of whiskey

"What!" He yells crushing the glass in his palm "fuck that hurts damn ow well" he doesn't even move to get help and says "don't worry that brother of his he has a passenger who would love this opportunity granted they must be in the same room...find him and kill him if you must" says black to watts reviving a nod in confirmation and she speeds out

"Owwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!" He says whining like cub as he hurts to get medical help for the glass filled paw...

This is surprising the most relaxed day in his home he has weird time he's a complete kid like guy but rarely does he receive a call or house visit from her or black star so it's a different kind of weird...

And that's black heart in a but shell a bipolar crazy asshole with a child like attitude


Sorry this was short but it's part one of 4 on villain week

Next time a day in the life of Watson, Alice the chief,

And In order after her are the vow(important it gives a light on why Sam and the vow are different people and Watson is important) and then blackstar the group is finale on Villians week not the season...

After the end if villain week I'll post a chapter on when I'll be back but I plan on completing villain week

Update: before in this chapter I wrote I'd post the chapters above every day up till Thursday but since I completed them long before hand meaning same day I completed this one lilies at 3 something the night before Tuesday I should say I'll be posting them all now at
7:47am on Tuesday morning tho is prefer them read in moderation like actually a Villians Week tho read at your own will lol

A Thanks to all who read and continue too I thank you for giving my story's a chance and hope you have as much fun reading it as I do writing

THE GHOST: season 2Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat