Bleeding heart broken mind

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A few minutes after the moment Jason collapses...

The body glows a bright green and in a flash the body is gone...

34 miles later...

A black ops facility called wilde hopps institute tho it's true name is..

The powers and defense research and experimentation facility

Down forty levels two are just security and then a white lab with black tanks or some tube looking crystallized capsule large in size

One next to it and a wall were a green neon crack has formed like a crack into another world irony is it's kinda that almost exactly

The body of Jason now glowing and cracked all over like a completely busted china doll who was out back together with tape this body appears in flash it appears on the wall and falls to dust

A scientist full suit made if protective material kin to a hazmat suit walks up

A gurgled voice speaks through a radio type voice box on the head of the suit...

"Well that worked poorly"

The figure speaks into a recorder small most likely to use in the way of documenting findings and thoughts on the spot

"copy 10052 destroyed it seems the composition and the raw power could never bind together combustion of the raw unknown element I sacred in subject by glowing green element and the undesired result aka combustion of the copy body was the result of the unstable mix hmmm...? will continue topic later date end if recording.."

The figure goes in-between the black casings air rushes out the head piece as the airlock is undone as the helmet is lifted off a beautiful female fox is seen her voice sweet and soft yet strong "Jason you idiot what did you get your self into this time?..." Turns to the pod on the left "and you Sam your a asshole your insane but can't help but blame your father and some for it mostly ..."
As she breaths a sigh she walks to the side of the right pod and pushes a button as it drains of black goo Jason is seen unresponsive and badly beaten almost dead looking but a monitor shows life

Five hours later in a room close to the one the fox was in

The room is dark the fox fem is seen standing talking to something or someone
"Yes yes I know sir please I need more time..-"

"No you've had enough time we did you many favors we brought him to you first and his demented brother then we allowed you to experiment with his body and you well we-"
"Yes sir I know you replaced me with a dead women and saved me after I fell and gave me all I could want in return I help protect the world from powers and both sides in the case of power non power civil war look I know that I owe you way to much but if he dies then we lose a valuable assets it's time I get back so the question is do u prepare to defend my work and those two defenseless body's or can I continue my wo-"

"Fine! Get back to work but if he's not better up and doing all he's able and more in five days we will take our gifts back" growls the voice and a dial tone from a harsh hang up

"Yes sir" she says and walks off to the room where she was before as she leaves she passes a shelf large the top is littered with articles from. The top being 1920's to the middle 1990's 2000's had in between well you can guess  and a pair of wooden doors are inplanted in the middle if the shelf she stops and murmurs... "I just hope the new girl is good cause she'll need it there coming back this time I can't do anything to help..." And walks out with a deep sigh.

As the lights shut off the breeze from the door is just enough to open the doors on the shelf

A old sword and gun with a black robe and hood looking armor set sits with a prop up skull mask ghost mask sitting in it as the lights die the masks glows blue... A plaque shines reading 'Vera Wolfgang  the 51st ghost'

And below it a picture if the fox with Jason smiling in front of Wolfgang manor it's so old that he looks 18 and she does to as well as Sam who looks almost normal in the back behind the two being very child like the picture keeping a memory of a few months that were great and important...sadly it of course wouldn't last as we can tell but that's a different story for another day

Vera walks to the lab and sees Sam siting by his brothers capsule "ya know I never thought my bro would be laying here like this he seemed so powerful well do what you can kay Vera for him and me I've got a few hours of me left before I go back to that monster so I'll be going far away take care of him this war is coming get ready.." He says kindly and smiles sadly as he uses a power of his forming cloths of his from no were (basic teleportation of objects and stuff he can't move living people this way tho) a leather jacket jeans and biker boots with a right black t and his military duffle with his stuff and he walks on out the door before she can respond she just nods as he vanishes out the door...

The complex underground a few days after all the powers who stayed settled so far only four powers stay max Corbin angel and lastly her son jack the complex is huge so the four are given plenty space and still have enough to claim to have in space 100 manors in size left that's lived in, in the complex and 60 floors from the surface down into the earth and while it's automated fully the floors are not reliant on power for reasons like emp attack

The two max and Corbin have seprate spaces and angel and jack share one as mother and son

Angel and jack often go visit the memorial to the black hood in respect the name of the man behind it was stricken and a power named mim erased the id of all powers from the public except those who needed to know like zpd

Max uses his time to find powers and help all using his for sight ability to find powers who are being hunted and hurt or are about to Emerge into there abilities and also to send any heroes available or on duty to deal with crimes since he found he can also speak to any power and her see and find any one in need

Corbin had been working with the zpd to track down those responsible for all the trouble and more as well as undercover work and his regular duties as the hero called the piper

Angel and jack well angels stays busy with jack and jack he's busy training tho he hasn't shown any trace of powers yet...

As for Sam he travels to a bunker he built to hold himself with his brother and locks himself in as he yowls in pain clutching his head "that's right you bastard come and play I'll finish you off one day I swear it!!!!" He growls and silence

"I took you over once kid it's not hard to again so Sammy boy your dear brother looking bad huh? Hmmm? maybe I should play a game with him or his insides" the Sam looking but clearly demented version says to his self as you can clearly tell that's not Sam not really

But that's for another time...

To be continued next time...

THE GHOST: season 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora