Chapter Nine - Clichè Moment

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Paralyzed - 9 - Done

Cliché Moment

So sorry the last chapter was SO SHORT! I had a bit of writers black there... Actually I still have writers block... But that time it was like a clog of writers block :/

Anyways, I hope this chapter will turn out good. And I hope you all like it! :)



I gapped as I stared straight at the last man I thought would be here.

For One, It was a woman. Not a man like my mom had told me.

Two, my mother would never let a girl sleep with me in the same house.

Three, .......

Well you get what I mean! And I'm sure you guessed who it was by now. Yep. A cliché moment. December. Of course! She frowned instantly and looked at my mom clearly confused.

Mom raised her eyebrows at December. Wait, Who was the lady? "Who are you?" I asked politely to the lady.

She smiled. "Hello, My names Lilly. But everyone calls me Lil. This is my niece, December." She said in a sweet tone and faced December. "Say hi, he won't bite." She whispered but mom and I heard anyway.

December began chuckling. "Aunt Lil, this is Jason. My old best friend, remember?" She asked smiling at my mother.

Mom broke out into a huge grin. "DECEMBER!" Mom squealed and threw her arms around December. December laughed and hugged her back gently. "You've grown! And look at you, you've got hips!" Mom squeezed both sides of Decembers hips laughing joyfully.

I groaned. "Mom, don't say that!"

She rolled her blue eyes at me. "Am I talking to you?" She snapped and turned back to December.

I immediately shut my mouth causing December to laugh. "Thank you, Mrs Hayes. I guess I got that...feature from my mother. You look great as well!" She complimented.

Mom batted her eyes and flipped back her blonde hair. "Why thank you." She laughed and grabbed Decembers hand. "Now, help me cook!"

They rushed off towards the kitchen excitedly. "Bye!" Said Lilly as she left our home and closed the door behind her. I sighed and jogged upstairs. This was going to be a long day.


"So who is now dating my lovely, December?" Mrs Hayes asked smirking deviously. I shook my head and pointed to my mouth letting her know it was full. She nodded and dramatically moved her arms around to get me to speak. I rolled my eyes jokingly and signed to her, No. She frowned but it didn't reach her eyes. The eyes which held a happy glow. I knew she was up to no good. "Oh. Still haven't found the right guy huh? Or have you, and he doesn't know. If so, Does his name start with a J and end in Ason?" She asked hopeful.

I swallowed the chips and laughed. "No ma'am. Every guy that had any interest for me, ended up a jerk or my dad didn't approve. Jason and I are just friends if anything at all." I bent down to the food and began stirring.

"More like, You are scared that he'll fail you and he's left in the shadows falling slowly in love with you." She said dramatically creating her own little fairytale.

I froze and turned my head to look at her. "More like, I'm terrified he'll leave me again and he continues playing tricks on girls minds. I'm through waiting on Jason. I've moved on. In fact I think I like someone else now." I lied. I didn't really like Dylan.

To prove that I asked my dad to just tell Dylan no to make it less awkward for us and all. I just couldn't stay here if she started her match making. It worked in middle school but Jason was never the first to speak. I have waited for him to change his mind. Long enough.

Sadly. A little part of me still has hope. Hope that I'll have my best friend back. Hope that I won't have to lie.

Hope that keeps me hanging on the my past.

Stop thinking like that, December! I demanded to myself. I needed to be the woman of posture and rule what I was to rule. Not the weak crushed little girl that runs and hides from the world. I don't miss Jason's friendship at all.

I tried to convince myself. But I ended up still thinking how lonely I was without a friend to cling to.

I suddenly got an idea to put to action. I stood tall and rushed forwards to my phone that laid on the kitchen counter. I grasped it tightly in my hand as I dialed the number I knew by memory.

"Hello?" Asked a confused young woman.

I smiled. "Jasmine?"


Yay! New character gonna swing into action. For those who want to know early, Jasmine is December and Jason's old closest friend. You will learn more next chapter.


Hope you liked it!!!

- Jesse


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