Paralyzed - Introduction

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"December!" Called an irritated voice just before someone barged into my room. I closed my eyes shut and refused to open them. My vision behind shut eyelids turned red as a blinding light shown from the curtains the maid had drawn. Hearing faint footsteps as they made a creaking sound under her feet. Sandra lightly shoved my shoulder with the tips of her fingers. I groaned in annoyance. She dramatically sighed. "December, you do know you're already ten minutes late for school. Do you really wanna have to look on your school record and find you missed the first day of school-"

"I am?! Why didn't you say so?!" I interrupted, tossing the covers off and sliding off my bed. She rolled her eyes sarcastically as I sprinted past her towards my closet. Thank goodness I had taken a shower last night. Starring at the many clothes in all different colors hanging up, I chose regular boot cut jeans, a blue shirt that had cool designs I didn't know I had until now and tan boots.

I put them all on in a hurry. Making a time record in my head. Fifteen seconds. I rushed into my bathroom and turned on the sinks water. I splashed hot water on my face then dried. I applied light make up and curled my chocolate long brown hair in large curls. After I brushed my teeth, I ran out of the bathroom and down the stairs. Sounding like a rhino running wild. I jumped off the stairs over the last four steps and dashed towards the kitchen.

I fixed cereal quickly and ate in a matter of seconds. At the moment, my father came into the kitchen. A stressed frown on his lips but when he noticed me he smiled. A fake smile I'm sure. "Morning sweetheart. What are you doing up so early."

I placed my bowl in the sink and sprinted towards the couch where I had put my bag. "School of course! I'm late!" I called out. I swung the bag over my shoulder and made a run for my car. Sandra hollered something but I didn't catch what she said as I had already shut the door behind me. I opened my door and jumped in the beautiful black truck. I turned it on and was quickly pulling out. Carefully, I sped to school the rest of the way.

I turned into the school parking lot, parking then jumped out. I closed the door with a bang and locked the truck. My curls bounced up and down as I sped into the schools entrance. I failed to notice that there weren't as many cars in the parking lot.

I smiled at the lady at the desk as I approached her. She looked shocked to see me but never the less grinned warmly back. "Morning!" I greeted.

She chuckled, "Morning. So you decided to get a good start this morning?" She asked.

I sighed knowing she was probably talking about my late appearance. "I'm so sorry. I didn't realize it was..." I looked up at the clock behind her. "4:12 am." I looked at her a second before realization hit me. "Oh..." I had been rushed for no good reason?! Sandra is going to die.

The lady smiled, "I see. So are you new? I haven't seen you around and I do know that we're having many new students today."

I started biting my lip in frustration. "Yes ma'am. Um, do you think I could go to my locker or look around till school starts?" I asked.

She nodded. "Sure. Go right ahead, here's your school schedule and a map for when you might need it. Also, I'm pretty sure Grace came early as well today. She's in the locker hallway studying I think."

I smiled. "Thank you." I began towards the lockers following the maps directions. On my schedule I noticed a number on the right corner and above it read, Locker number and code. I was grateful for that. I had forgotten it anyways. Once I was in front of my locker, I put in the code and it unlatched revealing an empty black locker. I smiled and got my bag out. I placed multiple items inside. I put in my note books and hung my calendar. I placed a pencil holder and shoved many pencils and pens inside it. Sighing, I put everything else in. Organized. I guess you could say I loved everything in its own place. Deciding I didn't need my bag right now, I pushed it in the bottom shelf. Perfect. I shut the locker quietly and turned around. I sunk my body to the floor and sat. I pulled out my iPhone and began angry birds. What can I say? I'm a child...but it's just so addicting!

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