Chapter Six - Call Him

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I smiled happily toward December as we played cute. She was defiantly buying my stupid act. I know how I felt last night but I've come to the conclusion I won't change for just some girl. Everyone thinks cause you like someone automatically you'll change your bad ways. But they're wrong. I don't care if she is and probably will always be the most beautiful girl I'll ever lay eyes on. I will not just give up my habits and hobbies...and issues.

I had more important things to worry about than worrying, what if she finds out? Things I needed to worry about were like, why I started feeling something for December like that and while I was in love with another. I promised I'd never act or think like I am right now. If anyone could know what was on my mind right now, They'd think I'd gone crazy. And they'd be right. I am going crazy. "Hey so, What's going on with us?" December asked as she pulled her foot on my dashboard.

We were headed towards Joey's Cafe for our first 'date'. I felt nothing for the girl next to me for some reason. After we had shared that small kiss, I went home and she walked back into her house. I asked for more but she refused and for some reason...I knew deep down she regretted the kiss. Which I had never experienced. Usually girls were obsessed with me and would do anything I wanted.

But she basically rejected me last night in a way. Her exact words were, 'I'm not that kind of girl, Dylan. But see ya later at school?' Then she had bolted to go in side her house far away from me. It lingered a question forever imprinted in my brain. What kind of girl was she then?

Was I to eager and rude? Did I disgust her? Was my breath bad? I breathed out a breath of air and smelled to make sure. It was perfectly fine to me. I hated not knowing what repulsed her. She seemed so upset and angry today. Not towards me. But angry at herself. It made me wonder..."Dylan?" She asked clapping her hands together loudly three tines to get my attention.

I quickly put on a fake unreadable face. "Sorry, What?" I asked glancing her way.

She chuckled. "Are we dating?" She said getting straight to the point.

I shrugged and answered with a voice that sounded like I had no care in the world, "What do you want?"

What was I thinking earlier? Why did she reject me nonsense. She probably was just tired or exhausted from her dancing so hard. No one would easily say no to me. And I bet I know her next words...'Oh baby, I want to be your girl!' I bet she'll say just that..."How about we be friends and stick with that. I really don't feel comfortable dating and all that nonsense. And I'm sorry about last night. I was just caught up in the moment and not thinking!" She laughed.

Every word hit me with a hammer. Bang! I would stare out the window sadly. Bang! Glare at the passing cars. Bang! And she just kept hammering my mood. Well this is just wonderful! She regrets everything we ever had. She regretted me. Ouch. But it wasn't like I was going to cry about it. I laughed with her. "Yeah me too. It was silly and I'm sorry I put you in that awkward position." I apologized.

But then she decided to crush me even harder. "Great! I thought I would have to reject you, thanks for making it easy." She paused to inject a short giggle. "And wouldn't that be hilarious. As if I'd ever date a guy like you! As if I'd date any guy at all in fact." A guy like me?! What did she see when she looked at me then?!

So I decided to go with plan C. Because apparently A and B doesn't work with December Knight. I sighed and showed it obviously that I was hurt. "Actually I was hoping you'd say we could try to date. I really like you, December. But I guess I'm not good enough."

She gaped and looked like she was about to say something but instead just closed her mouth. I knew already that December was the kind of girl who at least had pity and hated to hurt someone. She pulled her feet off the dashboard and let out a light sigh. "Dylan." She said as if she was about to tell me that a relative had passed away.

"December." I gave her my best guilty look that shot her down easily.

She forced a completely fake smile on her face and turned so she faced me. "Okay. I could give it a shot but do me a favor..." She bit her lip holding an embarrassed blush that appeared onto her soft cheeks. "I'm gonna sound stupid to you. But...You'll have to ask my dad. I promised to him every guy who'd ask me out has to go straight to him first."

I held back my laughter and just smiled sweetly at her. "Are you sure? He wouldn't have to know." I tried to convince her otherwise.

She frowned. "I'm sure. If you can't talk to him, then I know you're not the guy for me then." She said turning back to the window.

Great! If I said yes then I'd have to personally ask him if I could date his daughter. And even if he said yes, after she ends up all broken hearted...he'll probably shoot me. It is obvious now that he's protective. But I opened my mouth anyway. "Then of course I'll ask him first." I said hesitant.

She broke into a smile. "Good. Here's my address, He'll be home saturday night. I'll be at my friends that night so It'd be best if you went then." She placed a piece of ripped paper on my dashboard just as I parked and she hopped out. She walked into the Café confidently and I just sat here.

Staring at the paper I snatched it up and looked at it.

Vermond Rosewell drive, 2534. (Don't know if it's a real address. So, sorry if it is haha)

I sighed and swung my door open. Guess I'll be meeting Mr. Knight Saturday.


Sorry I just couldn't resist! :) hope you liked it! :) please comment so I can upload!

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