"You know, there's a lot of rumors going around that we've been secretly seeing each other. I was watching this one gossip show and it said that an inside source said that we realized our feelings for each other through this accident." Harry laughed to me. I was able to crack a smile because I've been seeing that too. Niall would always laugh at it and call Louis to tell him, but I just thought it was ridiculous. Just because everyday since this happened I've spent an hour or more every day with Harry doesn't mean that we're in love or some shit. It means I love him as my brother and would loose my mind if this green eyed, dimpled little shit died.

"Can't wait to see the tabloids once Niall starts showing. I bet Louis is the father." I said. Harry nodded like that was a good story that would most likely come out soon. Niall has always shown kind of early just because he's thin. He's even thinner now since he lost a lot of weight while we were morning the loss of our little angel. Doniya told him to gain at least five pounds before his next visit just to get him at a healthy weight for him and the baby, but he'll probably only gain two.

"That's what's going to be the funniest because Louis loves bottoming more than he loves air and obviously Niall didn't do this himself." I had to laugh at that one because I knew Louis was always one to talk about his love for being submissive, but hearing Harry put it that way kind of made it even more funny.

"What's so funny in here?" Mark's voice came from the door. I turned around and saw he had a book in his hand that had a bow on it. He kissed my forehead then handed the book to Harry. He laughed and showed me it was a book full of jokes and comebacks.

"I figured you could use this time to learn in an area you're not ever good in." Mark said as he pulled up a chair to sit next to me. We spent at least thirty minutes listening to Harry read jokes to us that were the worst things I had ever heard in my life. I had to cringe at a few of them while he laughed his arse off. Mark smiled at me when I would do that, but I saw he wanted to tell me something seriously too.

"Mr.Styles, I'm afraid your guests are going to have to leave for a few minutes while we change your catheter." A nurse came in and said in a much too happy tone. Harry turned the color of a tomato and looked down like he was feeling pathetic for not being able to get up to the bathroom and had to literally have a bag attached to him.

"We'll go get some lunch and be back." Mark said like that was no big deal. Harry didn't look at us as we left but we understood that he was still hating that he couldn't do something. He was strong enough to go for short walks around the hospital with a walker and he could lift things with his hands perfectly fine, but if he had to get up to go to the bathroom, it would take strength that he needed to save.

Mark and I ended up at the cafeteria getting some boxed salads that were there. We started eating them there, knowing Harry would need more time than we gave him. We didn't talk that much a few comments about how well Harry was doing. I pulled out my phone to text Niall a winky face randomly then set my phone down.

"There's a new guy that came into the gym today that's really good. I think you should start training him and managing him." Mark suggested slowly. I looked at him like I needed to know if he was crazy or just loosing it. We both knew that I wasn't in a place in my life where I could happily sit ring side while someone else takes over the ring. I'm still relatively young for this sport and I'm not ready to put up my gloves.

"You need to find a new path in life, Zayn. If you can't do this then maybe try going to uni and getting a degree in something that interests you. Well, go to high school first, but you need to do something. I know you, and you're too energetic to just retire and live the relaxed life. Find something and do it." Mark said. I pulled out my phone to show him I was finding something right here. I pulled up the picture that was on Twitter someone had made and it looked like Liam and I were going to fight each other. I pushed my phone to him and sat back in my chair.

"Found it." I said. He looked up at me in a way I've looked at Ezra when he gets a little sassy with me. I wasn't afraid though because I knew that Mark could just leave my life because of this and it wouldn't matter to me. It wouldn't hurt me one bit. I want to fight Liam to make him feel everything he had put Harry through. I don't know any other reasons why I really want to do this, but that's all I can think of right now.

"You're a brat, you know that? You went from a man that did all he could do to be a good husband and a good boxer to being someone that so happens to get everything they want. You want a baby, here's your baby. You want a world championship, here it is. You want your near to death best friend to end up perfectly fine, here's that as well. No one tells you no anymore and I don't think you understand the meaning of it. I won't coach you to fight him. If you want to fight him, go for it. You just won't see me there." Mark said. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from yelling at him that I would do this fight and I would win it without him. Deep inside, I knew my confidence in the ring was only from Mark. But I also knew that there was something deeper in me now that was pushing me to do this. That lead me to my final decision.

"I'm doing it then and I'll do it without you."

A/N: school starts tomorrow :( I only have four classes and I have some pretty good off periods that I'll try to write during. I hope this is okay! What is something you do when you're nervous?!?!??! Comment/Vote!
-Bri ;)

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