Chapter 18: Friday Night Games

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If master wasn't who he was to me, I'd have kicked out his knees for the past days. When I finally had a chance to leave from the hotel room, I remembered that James' family and friends always attend Friday night football games.

So the scent of under-cooked and greasy food mixed with blood and body sweat was all that was needed for anyone to know that they were at a football game. It touched my senses like a fowl cat trying to cross my path and to once again hide my nonhuman attributes, I used the spell from before but a bit lighter, allowing for more time to hold the spell. It wouldn't mean that some of the vampire me would slip out from time to time but it did mean that if I was to become hungry, I wouldn't be able to control my fangs or eyes.

I guess master's idea of contact lenses was a good idea.

"Go! Go!" Fans cried into the night. As I looked over to the field, having just entered through the ticket gate, a large player colored in red and white dove for the end of the football field, his legs moving extremely fast for a human. Possibly not human...

His scent was hidden among the many hundreds of sweaty fans who were eating just as disgusting food from the stands. He could be a wolf as well. I wouldn't put it past wolves, especially young males, to display dominance over a piece of leather.

I followed the sounds of squeaky instruments and creaky stands to where I remember most of my friends would stand. Sure enough, they stood there, not really watching the game but watching each other and laughing about some unknown subject.

When I approached, I lifted my hand in a small wave. Immediately they grew quiet. It was as if they had seen a ghost.

Then all at once they attacked me with hugs and cheers of welcome back.

"What are you doing here?" Jasper asked, his face full of mixed emotions. My heart fluttered a bit at his presence here, my crush from long ago making itself known. He was quite attractive for a human and still managed to make me want to let him have his way with me.

"I'm visiting family," I said and hugged Adam, who was looking quite pale in his new fangs. When master turned him, I was tempted to try to get revenge for my friend but Adam was taking to his fangs like a infant to the nipple. He already knew how to compulse away thoughts and could feed without killing. Now for his control, he is getting better but still has trouble. Events like this should be good practice for him.

"We heard from James that you were back in town. The whole school was practically buzzing about it." I shrugged and sniffed around for the wolf's scent.

"I knew he had a thing for me but I didn't know he liked me that much." I chuckled a bit and felt a small wave of the spell I was holding waver and my eyes flashed under my contacts and my fangs grew numb. The feeling went away as quickly as it has come and my friends were none the wiser.

"You know Janine, if you aren't busy Halloween night, want to go out and get candy? I know we are all old but we are children at heart," Jasper joked and I felt my sweet tooth perk up at the mention of candy.

"I may have something going on that night but I will try to see what I can do. You know, family matters." The group all laughed as I fake gagged but I felt a heart string pull tight for a moment at the mention of my family.

"Hey, guys, I will be back in a moment. I'm gonna grab some food." With that, I turned away from the giggling group and walked through the crowd towards the food stand, the human food not what I am intending to eat. No matter how I looked at it, James would be here. He wouldn't miss a chance to protect his pack from a vampire like me.

I walked slowly with the hood of my black jacket high, my eyes roaming the stands for the wolf that calls himself man. When I reached the food stand, I looked around for something even remotely sweet. I climbed into line and used the time to look around for James. From what I was seeing, he could be just on the other side of the field.

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