Chapter 35: Doppelganger

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I was brought to Master later that night, all of us back in the living room. Every one of my brothers glared at me with hatred and contempt, the order not to touch me the only thing keeping them from ripping me apart.

"We are almost ready my sons and daughter. The war we have been readying for is finally upon us. You know the jobs you must perform to prepare for our next step. The night of the full moon will mark the end for the pack and the beginning of our empire." I tried not to struggle at Master's side but it was harder than I had thought. I wanted so badly to get away, to tell the pack what I knew, but there was no way the elder vampire by my side would let me go.

If I told him of the true reincarnation of his first love he may. However changing a full werewolf female who had already changed was physically impossible. Or at least the vampire gene would be forced out by the overwhelming presence of lycanthrope blood.

At least that was what my sciency-math was adding up to.

"My Daughter. Would you care to partake in my blood?" I had zoned out long enough to not notice that Master had extended his arm to me once more in offering, the fellow vampires of the room murderous with intent.

"I am quite alright today Master. Thank you though." There was a few hisses around the room that threatened me, the anger palpable. Master himself appeared unhappy with my choice to abstain but did not push me further and lowered his arm back to the chair.

"Very well. Finish preparations for our time is but three days away." He finished addressing my vampire brothers before dismissing them. Some disappeared but others had waited to approach Master for questions.

"Master, if she will not have your blood may I?" I wondered if the old man would say yes but the mirth that filled his eyes said otherwise.

"Dismissed Aster." No more was said from the brother and he quickly left, his glowing red eyes throwing daggers at me from over his shoulder. It seemed that had been the question of a few of the others in line for questions and they too disembarked.

I stood there for near on an hour, my legs growing weary as I was in heels and a different blood red dress that master once again chose for me to wear before my coven. As much as I had wanted to refuse and tear it to shreds, doing so would anger the vampire and I was not prepared to deal with his strength until I was sure his blood was completely out of my system.

With no more of his fledglings to pester him, Master once again took me upstairs to his room. Behind closed doors, he sat down at his tall reading chair and looked out the window at the town that lay just outside. I knew what he was seeing.

Small houses with Halloween decorations set up, children walking around in adorable costumes, and adults sneaking candy from their child's bucket without the kid being any the wiser.

"You have not taken my blood for a while now, Daughter. Do you not thirst for a meal?" Although I knew he couldn't see me I shook my head.

"I had spent quite the amount of time as prisoner to the wolves. For the entirety of my capture I had not eaten at all. This encouraged me to endure longer periods of fasting without becoming dangerous. So I shall." His sigh echoed in the silent room.

"Young vampires. You all think you can lose weight if you just don't eat. Such a human way of thinking. Very well then. I will have a blood bag brought to your room shortly so that you may eat at the end of your fast." I could sense the beginning of a dismissal but he didn't speak up yet.

"Master, if I may ask a question." The elder vampire looked to me.

"You may." I cleared my throat.

"What will my part be in the upcoming battle. Surely I am not to stay here and wait for my brothers to fight on my behalf." It seemed like this was just the question he was waiting for as he stood and moved around the room, almost pacing like a caged animal.

"My child, you have your revenge plans on the very alpha I intend to destroy. In fact the regions within this area will soon follow in their demise. I had told you earlier that you are an incarnation of my lost love. Once you have completed your vengeance on Alpha James, I will awaken her within you and together we will rule this world, bit by bit." I shivered, this plan much worse than I had anticipated. He wanted me by his side forever.

That did not sound fun at all.

"So I will distract the alpha long enough for you to destroy his pack." Master stopped in his carving a line into the floor with his shoes and pointed at me.

"Correct." I didn't want to appear unsettled so I simply nodded.

"Master, why then am I confined to my room when my brothers are free to roam about freely?" He swatted his hand toward me as if I were a bug.

"We do not need you being captured once again. Though your capture before was a bit suspicious I do not doubt that you were just getting more reconnaissance information and just happened to be taken prisoner. No matter. If you wish you will have free reign of the house but no more than that." A looser leash, I noticed. Not quite what I had hoped for but none the less a bit better.

"Understood. May I take my leave? I wish to change to normal clothes. These are a bit too revealing." Master glanced to my assets that were showing a bit and I could have sworn there was a smug smirk on his lips.

"Very well." I bowed a bit and left, returning to my room.

No sooner had the door closed than I had forced the dress from my body, the symbol of Master's dominion over me unbearable for even a moment longer. I changed back into my jeans and t-shirt, focusing on what I should do to prepare.

Hell, if all went according to plan I wouldn't be a vampire anymore in three days. If I was not correct, I would be dead. Doesn't sound smart at all to be putting my life into the hands of someone I wanted dead.

Maybe there could be a way that I could make sure that no matter what the wolves would prevail. After all, they did have the upper hand in knowing when and what they were facing. Since Master tasked me with James' destruction I had the chance to get close to the alpha and to have him do as I had asked. If he could.

Would James be able to stake me through the heart? His own mate?

The alpha king had said that it would be impossible. However I needed it to be only James to do it as our souls were always meant to become one. His wolf could bring mine to the surface once the vampire blood was destroyed by the vervain.

At the memory of spraying down Alpha Cole's property and being tied up under interrogation, I did not relish the idea of the poison being within me, let alone in my heart.

Alpha Cole... I wonder if he ever decided to forgive me? After all he was a generous alpha who treated his people well. I guess even if he never does that I will just hold onto the memory of his kindness myself.

Next was the problem of Master's dream. The woman in his thoughts had looked exactly like Kestrel, the very woman who had stolen James away and ruined my relationship with the pack before I even had knowledge of them. She was operating under the idea that she was to be the next alpha female but with James' admission that I was his mate, that was likely never to happen.

There could be a chance that once master sees her on the field that he will leave me be and let me leave but would that mean that he would take her instead and try to awaken his dead love inside her? Maybe there was a high chance that instead of me being the incarnation that it was in fact Kestrel.

Time could only tell.

And at least there wasn't much left.

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