But this is something I have to do no matter what. Chris sacrificed himself and I'm going to sacrifice myself now.

"I'll be leaving." I said. Darrén didn't hear but you know that moment when you couldn't hear clearly, and like replayed what the other person said when saying 'What?' - and you get what they said? That was what Darrén did and when I repeated myself he said "Why?!" before I said it again.

"It's none of your business." was the only thing I could come up with. I felt horrible. I had told you that I owe this guy my life and here I am, telling him to not bother me and that he doesn't have the right to know anything.

I didn't dare to look up to see what he was thinking. But I knew that he was mad. He was definitely mad. I could even feel his intense stare.

But it's me after all. I knew that I'd have to face him soon enough so I did it just to get over with it.

His face told me nothing that I had expected. Anger was what I pictured in my mind. Sadness. And frustration.

He looked at me understanding, and slightly disappointed while patting my head. I couldn't help feeling awful. I looked down and he slid his arm behind my back sneaking a hug in. I couldn't move in his arm but I didn't want to either. I just melted, and blended into him.

I'd wish to stay here forever. With Darrén everything would be fine. He was a knight in shining armor. It'sjust kind of annoying that in my own story our fate is to drift apart.

But I noticed something. This is my story. A story never has a fate. A story turns out how it turns out depending on the heroine. I'm the heroine. I can do whatever I want. I am the one who decide my fate. It's all on me.

But what could I possibly do to prevent things getting bad? How could I explain where Krystal would go? How can I explain to Justin why I haven't been answering his calls for days? That was the only solution I came up with. I'll stick to the plan. There's not much I can do about it.


"Can I just go there one more time?" I asked him. He nodded and lead me there. Even if it was my own home the whole neighbourhood became like a maze to me. I was lost even if I've been living here for my whole life. I saw it and it looked just the same. Black. With police tape wrapped up on it.

"No." Darrén stopped me when I took a step to go in.


"Last time you got crushed by a wall."

I looked away with a mad face. "Please. I just want to visit my piano." This was Darrén and he knew how sensitive I was right now so he muttered a yes.

I kind of found it a bit amusing. It was just a bit cute how he wanted to be protective but failed because of my puppy eyes. Does even my puppy eyes work right now?

He gently took off the tapes so that I could get past it. I went through the kitchen and into the piano room. Or former piano room. Now it was just a black depressing hole.

Darrén dug his fist into the pile of piano ashes.

"I'm so sorry." he said and let it escape from his hand and fall back to where it was.

"Don't be." I told him. "I'll definitely move forward." I looked up, you know with that heroine kind of look when they get stronger after a big break down.

But that wasn't what I felt. I didn't feel any stronger and pretending made it worse. Maybe all heroines pretend to be looked up at and admired.

"Mind if I join you?" Darrén asked and did the exact pose I did with fist clenched looking up with twinkling eyes. He brought a comical atmosphere and I really wanted to laugh but it wouldn't come out. He saw my smile and patted my head.

"Are you done?" he chuckled. I nodded. I felt so much better. Darrén just knows what to do.

"Do you know that you're the most awesome guy in the world?" I questioned him as he grinned.

"Maybe." he said.

I took a step and didn't look properly where I was walking. I stepped right into a hole and suddenly the wall fell. Do I have a jinx with walls?

But I did have my knight here. He threw himself on me with awesome reflexes. But I heard a crack.

"Darrén!" I panicked. "A-Are you okay?!"

"I-I'm fine." he stammered. It didn't convince me.

"You broke your arm didn't you, Darrén?!" I cried when I saw how red his arm was.

"No I didn't, take it easy." He wad lying. Right now, there was another roof on top of me except that Darrén protected me this time. But he's strong, and he'd be able to get out of this without trying unless he's hurt.

"Relax Darrén." I demanded. He was all stiff and if he stayed like that he'd be in such a pain and I knew that myself. It felt like a deja-vu because I really thought that he was going to die.

"I'm not dying, okay?" he assured me reading my thoughts.

"Good for you." I told him. "If you die I'll kill you."

"But I'm already dead by then?"

"That's the point." I said.


"Never mind." I was too lazy to even talk.

How are we going to get out of here? I seem to have a great ability to put people I lo- my nearest in danger. And that one person that saved me last time from a wall was this guy and it was embarrassing because he was on top of me. Shitbag. And he was hurt. Maybe I should tell him anyway.

"I'm leaving because... I have something big I can't tell you about."

"What are you talking about?" he asked. I couldn't see his face because he was facing the floor.

"I... am not the one you think I am." I heard a chuckle. I got a weird feeling. Why is he laughing? "We might never see each other again." I mumbled.

"I know that you're lying Krystal." he said with jokingly tone.

"I'm not lying!" I said.

"It won't work if you don't exist in my life!" he yelled right into my ear. It was like he turned his anger into strength and threw the wall as he got up.

"It's not a big thing." I lied. He looked furious.

"I know so much more than you know." he said.

"What? Then what do you know?" I dared him.

"I know that you're-"

Ring. Great timing. I'm sarcastic if I may add that. I looked at the screen for the first time in my life, not getting bothered by my usual habit but thistime was because I was eager to know. I just wanted to check the screen and see if it was important enough to answer.

When I saw those letters I nearly fainted. I dropped the phone and it made an awful sound landing on the floor.

"...Chris?!" I mumbled.


SURPRISE SURPRISE! Oh yeah, he's alive. Hope that it didn't upset you that I tricked you lol :)



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