➳ (Y/N)

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Fingers that slid over the aged parchment with ease.

The crinkled edges of the paper that lit, illuminated by the morning sunlight that warmed your back; spreading it's heated embrace.

"You look like you're going to burn a hole in that paper," the guild's redhead warrior commented, wryly.

You looked up with a small smile, "hey, Erza."

She smiled widely, her scarlet hair framing her face. In her hands; she held a small box, the seeming source of her good mood.

"You look nice in casual clothes," you smiled, eyes scanning the box, "cake again?" She grinned at the mention of cake. "Strawberry," she winked.

"Yum." While you had loosened your holding upon the Job, Erza plucked it from your hands, easily.

She read it out loud, "the...Hercules Quests?" Confusion was etched across her face as she turned to you, her eyes puzzled.

"I thought you only helped the unfortunate ones."

"Have you seen the name of the requester?"

Erza returned her eyes to the yellowed paper, scanning it quickly. "Umano? It says he's a king. You know him?"

The corner of your lips tugged upward. "He's a cousin of my friend."

"It's nice to see you helping out your friends," she smiled kindly, her brown eyes dashing towards the box in her hands, as if making sure it didn't escape. "I'll see you around, sometime."

She waved her hand as she turned back around, a happy step in her walk, red hair burning under the sun, swaying from her cheery motion.

You watched her leave under the heating gaze of the afternoon sun. "Friends, huh?" You traced the inked letters of the request.

"I'm coming, Umano."


The sound of running water trickled through your mind. You turned around from your spot on your front porch.

A familiar face; melancholy covering a hurt, contorted look. She stood there, her presence simply like small, soothing water lapping against the sand.

Her blue hair framed her face, every curl perfect as if it was styled, her cloudy blue eyes reminding you of the darkest depths of an ocean.

Dressed in casual clothing, her gaze swept over you, now like wild, uncontrollable, and violent waves. Chills shook your body, and you swore you could hear the sea.

"(Y/N)-san." Her voice was lovely, almost as if she was a nymph, melodic and sweet. "Juvia," you managed a smile, the hairs on your arm stood.

"Would you like to come in?" Suppressing your abrupt chills, you turned to the door, pushing it open with a creak.

She walked softly upon the earth, making her way towards the house. On her feet; solid cerulean blue flats peeked out from under her long sundress.

"Thank you," she gently caught hold of the door, letting it close behind her. "Should Juvia lock it?" The blue haired asked, her hand still resting on the brass door handle.

"It's fine," you called as you waited in the kitchen. "Do you want something to drink?" Juvia shook her head, walking into the room, and taking a seat at the table, under the soft lights.

Juvia smiled softly at you once you set down the glass cups and turned to face her. "Is your wound healing up well?"

Surprised, you nod without thinking. "Yeah, it's coming along. It's really not that big of a deal, everyone's just freaking out over a small gash."

A smile appeared on the other's lips, curvy and jaunty, showing just a peek of her pearl teeth. "That's definitely not what Juvia heard from Deo-"

"He's an exaggerator," you interrupted, taking a small sip from your mug, your hands wrapped comfortably around the smooth outside.

"What happened for you to get that bad of a 'gash', (Y/N)?" Juvia raised an eyebrow, quizzically after you lifted the hem of your shirt to give her a show.

"Just the usual. I was actually supposed to come back two months earlier, but an elderly couple took me in, and refused to let me leave until I was relatively better." You scoffed, softly. "They're too kind."

"What is...the usual?"

"Getting thrown around like a rag doll."


"Don't look too alarmed, just think of it of, like, a birthmark or something." Your hand gingerly touched your covered stomach.

A little to the left, in the corner where it had hurt so bad; a large blank and purple bruise that had been covered in blood just a few months ago.

"Anyway, I'm fine now." You flashed a smile, trying to lift the atmosphere. "I'm raring to go, I've even found a new offer-"


You stopped, giving her a questioning look. She lifted her head up, cheeks flushed and eyes dazed.

"Juvia feels..."

And she slumped over, her body surrendering to gravity as it fell towards the hardboard floor, her blue curls slipping off the table onto the darker ground where she fell with a thud.

The room was silent for only two whole seconds.



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