Chapter 20 (Masquerade)

Start from the beginning


The cab ride was certainly enjoyable as jokes were thrown around. When we finally arrived, I looked out the window to see a very tall and luxurious looking building. When we got out, we were guided to a huge room by the door man.

The room was bustling with music and laughter. Some people were seated at tables, with delicious food in front of them. Others were on the dance floor. But everyone had masks and fancy attire. At least I didn't feel out of place.

We were lead to a table with place cards that had everyone's names on them. Luke and Arzaylea's seats were yet to be filled while everyone sat down where their card was. I was sat between Bryana and Michael.

We were served a salad first. Usually salads were pretty bland, but this one was surprisingly tasty. Luke and Arzaylea arrived shortly after the salads were placed in front of us.

Arzaylea was dressed in a emerald cocktail dress with black heals and a black masquerade mask. She didn't actually look that bad, but it didn't change the fact that I wasn't too sure about her.

She was sat next to Luke, and the entire dinner portion, all she did was whisper things into Luke's ears and grab his hand while simultaneously twirling her hair with her fingertips.

Eventually when we were finished eating, it was time to move to the dance floor. Everyone had found a dance partner. Except for me.

I sat alone at the table, aimlessly playing with the fabric, until a slow song came on. I puffed out some air, knowing if be here for some time.

All of a sudden, someone cleared their throat. I looked up to see a boy with fluffy brown hair, dressed in a nice suit.

"May I have this dance?" He asked holding out his hand to me.

I smiled and nodded, taking his hand. We walked to the dance floor, hand in hand. I placed the arm that wasn't holding his hand on his shoulder, as he placed his hand on my waist. We slowly started dancing.

I melted into his touch as we glided around the dance floor. He spun me around and picked me up a few times.

The song ended and we were looking at each other intently. He leaned in and gave me a quick kiss, before looking down at his watch.

"I-I'm sorry, but I have to be leaving." He said quickly as I felt his grasp loosen.

I hadn't caught his name, so I weaved in and out of the people, trying desperately to catch up to him. I ran into Michael instead.

"Whoa! Slow down there Speedy Gonzales." He chuckled.

I peeked over his shoulder just in time to see the boy disappear through the exit. I heavily sighed and trotted my way over back to the table, waiting for this night to be over.

As I started thinking about it, it kind of felt like a twisted Cinderella scene. Except it wasn't a girl. And it's 10 at night not midnight.


I had been texting back and forth with Caleb a lot lately. We had made plans to meet with each other next week.

I was currently sat on the couch, anxiously waiting for the boys to get back from their meeting. This was it. The final decision was made today about whether or not Luke would be living with us.

The front door opened and I jumped up from my spot to see the boys walked in with glum expressions. But there were only three boys. No Luke.

They all sighed and looked at me.

"Well," Calum started, shaking his head.

"We're stuck with him" Michael finished.

Luke then skipped into the house, a wide grin on his face. Everyone else broke into big smiles and laughter at Michaels comment.

"But this also means the tour got pushed back. This also means Ella starts school in the fall and goes for the entire year." Ashton said.

I scowled at the thought of having to go the full year. I would have preferred that Bryana tutor me.

"Hey dude, I'm sorry you have to go to school but you still have a month right?" Michael said, clapping me on the shoulder.

I nodded and grinned at the prospect of one more month free from my personal hell.

So you might be thinking that the reason I absolutely despise school is because of the boring lessons or the endless homework. But really, it was just another place for me to be made fun of for not talking.

I was always the one that had to write down an answer on a sheet of paper and hold it up to the class in order to answer a simple question. I never had any friends because it's not like I actually talk to people. And to top things off, everyone, including the teachers, think I'm some sort of alien freak.

I guess I don't blame them. Being mute isn't exactly a cup of tea, but at least try and be nice.

It's not like I don't want to talk. It's just that I have this constant knot in my stomach when I think of what happened when I used to talk. It scares me. I hate being so awkward and anxious around everyone I meet just because of my past.

I want to get better, but I don't know if I ever will.


Helllloooo! Yes I know this is kind of late and probably not as long as you would have liked, but I'm trying to get some chapters posted. Also please don't go and point out all of my spelling mistakes, I know it's crappy but I didn't have time to revise it.

So yah, sorry.

Anyways I hope you're enjoying your week:)

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