Chapter Thirteen (revised)

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"She was writing a story?" Daisy asked me over the phone, as I carted more boxes downstairs.

"Yep. And I'm going to finish it."

"That's awesome. How do you know how to end it? Did she leave notes?"

"Tons." I heaved the box up on top of the ever-growing stack in the living room. "There are some missing pieces, things that didn't get written down. But I think I can do it. I need to do it."

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed my water bottle. That was the last box from my room. I packed up everything I knew I could live without. I left out a laundry basket full of clothes and a couple other random things. Everything else can be gotten at the last minute.

"Well, I'm glad for you," Daisy said. "Have you written anything, yet?"

"Yeah. That's pretty much all I've been doing the last week." I capped the bottle and then went to the garage for more boxes. "It's a miracle I've gotten this far with the packing."

"That's awesome. I've always wanted to write a story."

"Why haven't you?"

"Because I have nothing to write about."

I chuckled as I dragged a stack of boxes to the office. "I'm sure you'll come up with something."

"Maybe, someday."

"Hey, um...Dad doesn't know."

"Okay, got it. I won't say anything."

"Thanks, Daisy."

"No problem," she said. "You want help? I've got some free time on Sunday?"

"That would be great," I sighed. "I've got two weeks before the movers come. And we'll get the keys on Monday."

"This will be fun. You'll live two seconds from me!" She was over cheery and way too excited.

"Yeah, maybe," I teased. "I have to go, though. I'll see you later." We said our goodbyes and then I hung up. I slid the phone in my back pocket as I walked upstairs.

I went into Taylor's room. Since I finished mine, and Dad is working on his, hers is next. But, not last. I still have the office, family room, and living room. The kitchen I'll save for last. Thankfully, though, most of the downstairs is furniture.

I went to the stack of empty boxes on the bed and began counting them. Right away I can tell it won't be enough. I grabbed a medium sized box and sat it on her desk, pulling open the first drawer, and began unloading it into the box. This is all the stuff I need to finish Taylor's book.

A pen slipped out of my hand and hit the floor. I bent to pick it up and caught a glimpse of something moving under the bed. I froze and stared at the spot I thought I saw movement.

I'm sure it was just my eyes playing tricks on me. But just to be sure, I reached my hand under the bed, just far enough to bump one of the plastic containers.

I quickly yanked my hand back. Nothing moved. I sighed a light chuckle. I'm ridiculous. I go to stand back up when, suddenly, something goes shooting out from under the end of the bed.

All I see is a black blur. I jump to my feet and scream. I back up and slam into the desk, searching for whatever it was. My eyes land on it sitting in the middle of the floor. I nearly fainted.

It was the world's largest spider. I've never seen something so big. I'm not kidding. Its body is four or five inches long. Its legs stick out another couple inches from that. It's mainly black, but its legs have some orange and brownish red stripes on them. This is not a normal house spider.

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