Chapter Eleven (revised)

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After everyone got back to the warehouse, we gathered in the main room near the weapons tables.

I knew someone was just itching to say, 'I told you so', but no one seemed to be the one to speak first. And I don't blame them.

The car ride was quiet, as far as talking goes. Calliope has been holding back her tears since I first found her over Paramesh's body.

I don't know how she's keeping herself together. She just lost the man she loves. But I fear a tsunami is on its way.

"I think we need to talk about what just happened," Pryor spoke to the group, which is very unlike him.

I glance around and see a few nods. But mainly, all I'm seeing is shock and pain. Two of our friends are dead. One betrayed us, and the other died saving us.

Madoc looked at me, the weight of today's events heavy on his face. "We went back to Eden to try and solve this mess Kane has gotten us into." He looked at the others as he spoke. "That is why we went there today. I don't want anyone blaming themselves for what happened. There was nothing we could've done. No one knew that Aurora worked for Kane."

"Exactly," Jemima said, crossing her arms. "We should've known. And because we didn't, this was bound to happen from the start."

"Try to have a heart, for once." Moanna glared at her older sister. "People died, Jemima. Aurora might not have been our friend, but Paramesh was."

My eyes shot up to Calliope. She turned and left the room, just as the first tear began to roll down her cheek. My heart broke.

The room went silent again. A minute later, Ever stood and left the room without a word. I'm assuming he's going to try and comfort Calliope.

"I know none of you ever take me seriously," Clarabelle took a step closer. "But I think we need to leave, again."

"I agree. How long do you think it'll take them to find us, this time?" Jezper asked. He wasn't being sarcastic, as normal. He was-

And that's where it ends. That's where Taylor stopped writing the day she died.

I am feeling so many emotions, I'm not sure what to feel. This story is amazing. I had no idea Taylor was capable of something like this.

The story is about a girl named Nova who woke up one day and couldn't remember anything. She soon finds out that her memories have been divided between ten people, five guys and five girls. Each one remembers ten years of her memory. And Nova is only left with a few stray scraps of who she is.

The organization called Eden has been after them since page one. It's still unclear though how they escaped and what Eden was doing in the first place.

I just sat there in the office chair, staring at the last line. Part of me wants more, to find out what happens. I've never been much for reading, but this makes me want to start.

I see movement and glance up. Gwen's car was pulling in the driveway. I look down at the clock in the corner of the screen. It's already twelve forty-five. And I haven't done anything. All I've done is sit here and read a story I was never meant to. What would Taylor think of this?

I hop up from the chair and run downstairs. I opened the front door just as Gwen was about to knock.

"Sorry, I'm late." She stepped inside, the boxes she was holding leading the way.

"It's fine," I say, and shut the door. "I've got plenty of boxes upstairs." I pointed my thumb over my shoulder to the stairs. Before I could react, she was hugging me. I smiled and hugged back.

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