Shadow: Avalina Mahone

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Who: Avalina Dylan Mahone.
Daughter of Noah and Austin Mahone

Age: 35

Relationship Status: Married to Ryan Smith

Children: Carter- 10
               Maggie- 4

Occupation: Stay at home mom.

Avalina Mahone

"Carter, can you grab me the green beans from the fridge?" I ask my son and he nods, grabbing them from the drawer in the fridge and sitting them beside me.

"Here you go" He smiles.

"Thank you" I kiss his forehead "How was school today?" I ask and he shrugs.

"It sucked, but when doesn't it" He laughs.

"I don't doubt it for a second. My mom always hated school, she used to tell me she'd try to miss it as much as possible" I chuckle.

"Did you like school?" He hops onto the counter, eating the cut up pieces of chicken from the plate.

"I didn't mind it" I shrug "I didn't love it, but I also didn't hate it"

"What ever happened to grandma?" He asks and I take a deep breath.

"She did a lot of bad stuff as a kid, and because of that she didn't live to be very old" I explain as vaguely as possible.

"And granddad?"

"He just had a rough time without grandma" I answer and soon the front door opens, Carters face lighting up now that he knows his dad is home.

"Dad!" He yells, and I hear Ryan laugh before I hear footsteps approaching me.

"Hello my beautiful wife" Ryan whispers in her ear before kissing her cheek "It smells amazing in here"'

"Thank you" She turns her head to kiss his lips gently "How was work today?"

"It was great, probably the first day I wasn't up to my neck in papers"' He chuckles "Where's Maggie?"

"She's in her room" I tell him and he gives me one last kiss before walking up to find her. I finish dinner a few minutes later and fix everyone a plate before placing them on the table, calling for everyone to come to dinner. I sit down in my usual spot, Carter beside me, Ryan across from me and Maggie next to Ryan.

"So, Christmas is coming up, what do we want?" Ryan asks and Carter immediately begins to blurt out a long list of toys he wants, at the same time Maggie does making their wants a jumbled mess. I laugh and tell them to slow down.

"Maggie you first" I giggle, and she lists off some dolls and clothes that she wants, along with some things she probably won't end up getting like a phone and a laptop "Alright, now Ryan it's your turn" I say and he does the same things, listing off the toys he wants and also saying he wants a phone and an iPad.

Soon dinner is over and the kids are already tucked in bed leaving me to lay in mine, waiting for Ryan to get out of the shower. To pass the time I read the book my dad had written about him and my mom, smiling as tears fill my eyes, no matter how many times I read it, it'll forever bring tears to my eyes.

"You're reading that again?" Ryan chuckles, climbing into bed beside me.

"I just love it so much" I wipe under my eyes.

"Read me your favorite line" He tells me and I flip to the last page.

"Avalina Dylan, my baby girl, my Princess, she's grown up so much and she reminds me of Noah everyday, I wish someone would fight for her, as hard as I fought for Noah, and I hope that she finds someone that deserves every ounce of her attention" I read and Ryan looks at me.

"Is it because it's about you?"

"No, it's because I did find someone who deserves all my attention, and that's you" I kiss his lips softly "I feel like my dad would be proud of me"

"I know your dad is proud of you, your mom too" He wraps an arm around me, leaning his head on my shoulder "I'm so proud of you"

These will get better I promise it's just I haven't written this story in nearly a year, maybe longer idk
I hope you enjoyed this nonetheless
I love you all


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