"Wow" I breathed out

I'm guessing everyone heard me as the other four girls quietly giggled and Camila gave me a breathtaking smile. She walked up to me and brought her hand to my face, ever so slightly caressing my cheek.

"You look very handsome" she said taking in my appearance.

I didn't think I looked that good, nothing compared to her. I wore some black slim jeans and a casual white shirt. I wanted to look smart on our casual dinner date. I gave her the single sunflower I had purchased earlier. I didn't want to be cheesy and get her a rose so I went with this instead.

Again she smiles and pecked me on the cheek. She went and said goodbye to the girls, bringing the sunflower with her instead of leaving it at home. I appreciated this. It meant she really liked it. We left the apartment and headed downstairs to my car hand in hand. I opened the car door for her and ran around to my side of the car beginning our journey.

"So where is it we're going?"

"Well, it's just an idea I had, if you don't like it we can totally do something else, I really don't mind at all really I..."

She interrupted me "Y/N I'll love whatever it is you've planned. Already this is probably the best date I've been on by how much of a gentleman you're being."

"Okay" I breathed in relief "I planned a picnic in the park. I know it's night time but I thought it would be nice"

"I think so too"

The rest of the journey was filled with comfortable chit chat about our days, since we haven't seen each other in two days.

Once we arrived at the park, I went an opened her car door and took her hand in mine. I picked up the basket of food I'd prepared earlier and lead her to a certain point in the middle of the field.

"Wait here one sec" I said with a smile

I went to the big tree next to us, flicking a switch which turned on fairy lights woven throughout the trees surrounding us. Her breath hitched at the sight. She looked down to see the picnic blanket I'd set up earlier along with some flower petals on the floor. I wanted it to look picture perfect. I knew she'd appreciated the detail. She ran towards me and jumped into my arms, koala hugging the life out of me. I simply held her closer enjoying the moment. She pulled her head back so we were face to face.

"Thank you" She whispered

"You're welcome gorgeous"

Another smile overtook her face as she wiggled out of my grip and jumped down to the blanket eager to start our date.

The date was perfect we had been sitting here for about two hours. Talking, Laughing and eating. It was honestly the best date I'd ever had. Camila was cracking stupid jokes every few minutes, a ball of laughter after every single one of her own jokes which just made me laugh more. We had even played tag for a while after she stole the last brownie that I had dibsed. I mean come on it had been claimed!!

"I guess I should be getting you home soon" I said quietly, trying not to break the serene moment we had created. Mila sat in my lap, my arms around her body, just snuggled up together watching the stars.

"Not just yet"

Turning in my arms until she was straddling my waist, she brought her hands to cup my cheeks looking deeply into my eyes. I'd never felt this attracted to someone before. Not just physically or sexually I mean but right now, her simply holding me captive, it was indescribable.

"Thank you Y/N. This has been the best night of my life. Honestly. I've seen and done a lot of things. Preformed in front of a hundred thousand people. Traveled the world. But I've never felt as loved as I have tonight. I feel so right when I'm with you. Even if it's just working together in the studio. You make me feel happy. So so happy. Just the way you look at me makes me feel like a friggin princess."

"You deserve to feel that way Camila. And... I don't know if only one date is too soon, but I don't want this to be our last date. I want hundreds of more dates with you. I want you to be my girlfriend."

Without missing a beat, she pulled our faces impossibly close together before kissing me with so much passion, I couldn't think straight. We held on to each other in any way we could as we continued to kiss each other, trying to convey our emotions. This kiss felt different, grown up. Not like kissing random girls or an old teenage girlfriend. This kiss felt like kissing someone I truly cared about. I felt the fireworks, I felt the spark. I'd never felt that before, I thought it was a myth but no. Here I am kissing Camila Cabello and loving every second of it.

I couldn't even tell you how long we kissed for, it must have been at least half an hour. When we finally pulled away, she rested her forehead on my own and let out the most adorable giggle I've ever heard, bar my daughters because she's just cuteness goals.

We gradually made our way back to the car, leaving behind the lights, I'd come back and take them down later. Driving Camila home was bittersweet. I knew we were kind of together now, she was my girlfriend as of an hour ago, but I don't want tonight to end. I guess she felt the same way as she kept a tight grip on my hand the entire way home. Walking her up to her apartment I felt sad that I'd not be seeing her until next week in our recording session on Tuesday. It was only Saturday now and for someone who just got himself a girlfriend, that's too long. Stopping at her door, we just stood there, my arms wrapped around her waist and hers around my neck. I leaned in to kiss her and she deepened it instantly. The kiss turned into us making out leaning against her door. I'm glad the other girls weren't here to see this as I'm sure they'd either be making some crude comments or separating us and I don't want this kiss to end. As if she had read my mind, Camila ended the kiss, jamming her key into the front door, throwing it open and pulling me inside.

She quickly made work of pushing me onto the couch and joining me to continue our kisses. I moved my mouth to her neck placing hot, wet kisses to her throat, she replied with a moan which brought me out of my trance of desire.

"Mila, what...I mean.."

"Shush *kiss* "don't worry it's not going further tonight. I'm not sure I'm ready for that right now but I just need your lips on mine. Just for a bit longer"

That's all I needed. We kept kissing, the kisses slowly turning from intense and passionate to sweat and tiny pecks along with a lot of cuddling. She invited me to stay over which I accepted. Camila went to change in her bathroom leaving me. I didn't have anything really acceptable to sleep in so I had run down to my car where I still had a bag of clothes from me and Laneys planned camping trip. I only had some shorts in there so that's what I could sleep in. 

When Camila came back into her bedroom she raised an eyebrow at my half nudeness. I simply shrugged my shoulders and said that I didn't think her clothes would fit me. She laughed along with the joke, climbing into bed with me. 

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