Chapter 6~Reunion

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Brooke's POV:


God damn, why does his name still give me these unwanted emotions.

Its been a year and I'm still hung up on that asshole. I'm not even supposed to be thinking about him. I promised myself that I wouldn't.

'Don't let the tears come rolling down, he's not worth it and you know it.'

What am I meant to say 'oh...he's just a guy that broke my heart by leaving me for his bitchy side hoe' yeah... no that sounds awful.

When I was just about to say something Sarah beat me to it "Kayden you don't need to know that, its none of your business, so just leave it."

"excuse me," I whispered loud enough that they could hear, that was before I walked off to my tent with a tear falling down my cheek.

Kayden's POV:

She walked off with a tear threatening to roll down her perfect cheeks.

"Oh look what you've done now," Ava yelled at me, looking at me with a disapproving look.

What did I do? I didn't know it was a touchy subject.

Don't get me wrong I actually do feel bad. Sometimes I cant control myself when it comes to annoying people like Brooke.

"You shit head go apologies NOW or Ill tell your mother about how you made one of the girls cry she will beat your sorry ass and you know it," Sarah threatened, I hate to admit it but there is only one person that can kick my ass and that is my very own mother.

"OKAY," I grunted, I couldn't be bothered to hear all the shit these guys where throwing at me.

"Who knew that the big bad boy is scared of his own mother if everyone at school found out dude your social life would be good as gone," mocked Noah, he wouldn't dare tell anyone at school or he would go straight down with me and that is a promise.

"shut up dude your supposed to be MY friend," I pointed out, walking towards the same tent Brooke disappeared to.

Sarah's POV:

He walked off with a sad smile on his face.

Even though my cousin acts like an asshole most of the times he actually cares for Brooke. I also know that he didn't want to hurt her but just to tease her. Trust me, I know that he cares, he always did...

"Do you think she will forgive him?" asked Noah.

"With that girl you don't know what will happen," Parker scoffed, before sitting down on one of the logs near him.

"May I ask who is this Isaac guy?" questioned Noah.

I don't know if Brooke would appreciate it if one of us told Noah who Isaac is. Hell she would beat us up one by one. I can imagine it in my head, dear lord help us, its really brutal.

"Some Shithead that broke Brookes heart" Ava blurted out.

"AVA!" me and Parker shouted in union. I cant believe that girl, she knows that she wasn't to utter a word about that shithead, what happened to chicks before dicks?

Ava's eyes widened with realisation.

"Fuck I thought I said that in my head," she muttered, she has a lot of explaining to do now.

"Dude its not that we didn't want to tell you it wasn't our place to say anything." Parker explained.

"No you don't have to explain bro I get it." Noah said understandingly.

Brookes POV:

I just sat there hugging my knees letting all the tears I've been keeping in fall down.

I feel Pathetic.

I was drowned in my inner thoughts that I didn't realise Kayden just walked into the tent.

"hey," Kayden whispered, sitting down right next to me.

"hey," I whispered back, wiping all the tears off my face .

"I'm sorry that I hurt you believe it or not I didn't intend to," he apologized, turning his head so he was facing me he gave me a sad smile.

Hearing him be so caring made me feel safe and relieved.

Relieved that I actually have someone to talk to.

"Did Sarah make you come and apologize to me?" I asked while smirking.

"Yeah but I genuinely mean it," He claimed, giving me a genuine smile now that the mood in this tent has lifted.

"Yeah okay I forgive you but if you make me upset again i'll kick your balls" I warned.

We both just sat there for a few minutes staring at what was in front of us which was nothing but the entrance of the tent.

"Brooke" he whispered quietly.

"yeah" I answered.

"I'm sorry not only because of what happened today but what happened in the past I just want you to know I regret what I did back then I was an ass." Kayden apologised again.

"I guess I can forgive you for that as well," I responded, after resting my head on his shoulder.

Its times like this I miss.

"Seriously..." he asked completely surprised.

"yeah?" It came out more like a question but to be honest im not sure if I should forgive him yet.

There was a comfortable silence as we just sat there drowning in our own thoughts.

I wanted to ask him a lot of questions that where floating in my head. At the end of debating with myself on what to ask him first I asked him the main question that was hurting my head "How come I never knew that you where related to Sarah? We all go to the same school and never has it been brought up."

"Yeah well me and Sarah never talk during school as you may know and we don't have the same last name so no one from school will suspect that we are related" he answered casually.

"But I'm one of Sarah's best friends and she knew how much I hated you yet she never told me about you," I argued, while scrunching my eyebrows together with confusion.

Come on its Sarah we are talking about here she tells me everything. We have known each other ever since we started high school.

"Hate is a strong word sweet pea" Kayden said with a huge smirk on his face after saying that he continued "Me and Sarah don't really talk so what's the point in talking about each other to our friends."

"Okay I see where your coming from now" I said so the topic can end right there.

After that whole conversation we decided to talk about other stuff that helped me to get to know Kayden a bit more. I found out that he's changed a lot, he isn't that cute little kid across the street anymore, and that he isn't that bad as people described him as he's just a normal teenage boy like the rest out there.

After that whole reunion conversation with Kayden which seemed like hours I decided that it was time to sleep as my eyes kept closing begging me to shut them already.

You cant blame me my day was VERY eventful.

A/N~A big thanks to dark-desire for taking some of her/his time to create my new amazing book cover. I've been getting comments lately telling me to update so this chapter is dedicated to you guys thanks.

Song: Another Love- Tom Odell

Don't Forget to:


Love -A

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