Chapter 3~He is My...

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Kayden's POV:

"Who the hell invited you!" she screamed at me.

Seriously though, I don't know this girl why is she giving me the attitude.

there is something about this girl, I have no clue what it was but I know one thing and that is I like to piss her off.

You can call me a dick, asshole, fucker whatever floats your boat but I simply don't care.

But anyways back to the situation...

"I'm guessing your the one with the annoying scream" I said to her.

You should of seen her face it was a mixture between shock, hate and confusion in other words she looked pissed.What am I saying she IS pissed.

My work here is done.

Brooke's POV:

I was pissed completely pissed.

I turned to Sarah and said "you asked him to come why?"

Sarah looked like she was regretting bringing him, don't get me wrong I'm not angry at her more confused.

"Its a long story and I know you hate him but-" Sarah softly said until she was RUDELY interrupted by the devil himself.

"Hold on, how in the world can you hate ME?" he said empathising the word me.

"How can I not hate you?" I replied very proud of my come back. I know what your thinking 'Brooke that come back was amazingly terrible' yeah well I'm still proud.

"Both of you just SHUT UP!" Sarah shouted probably getting frustrated over our bickering."He is my...cousin" she said like their was nothing wrong with it.

I know I've said this sooo many times before and you must hate me for saying this again but I'm completely confused right now. We've been friends for years and she knows how much I hate him and what he did to me. But she never told me about this, that she was related to him, so you can probably understand my confusion.

I stood their still staring at Sarah with wide eyes.

"Like I said its a long story, so here it goes. You see my aunty told me how my cousin here was consistently getting in trouble, and how she would love it if he could get out of the house and do something, my mum heared and insisted that he can join our trip. I tried to argue with her but she told me that if I wanted to go this year I have to take my braty cousin with me." She explained.

"Awww I love you too cuz." Kayden said before ruffling her hair and completely ruining it.

"Well that wasn't weird at all." Ava stood their with Noah by her side watching our VERY long feud. I forgot that they where their.

"Anyways lets just move on, oh lets figure out the seeting plan for the drive." Parker tried to change the subject.

"As their is only 6 of us we should take only 2 cars, and their should be three people in each car to make it fair." Noah commented.

"We will take my car and Kayden's."Sarah said so causally.

"Dibs on sitting in Sarah's car!" Ava and Noah shouted in sync while running to her car. Honestly they are perfect for eachother, they should seriously get together.

"Well that means your stuck with me, how lucky are you." Kayden spoke rather cockily. If that wasn't bad enough he had a huge grin on his face to.


I just rolled my eyes and started to walk outside where all the cars are.

"Guys don't forget about me, I'm going to be in the same car with both of you." Parker explained. What a goof, how could I ever forget him out of all people.

"Wait hold on, you brought your motorbike I'm pretty sure that's not a car." I said stating the obvious.

"Obviously its not a car dumbass, unlike you I own a car aswell as a motorbike, and I happen to have brought that aswell." He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.


We all get into our assigned car and started driving.


We have been driving for an hour straight.

Kayden thought it would be a great idea if we had a break for a few minutes.

"Guys, I'm going out to have a number 1, I'll come back in a few bye." Parker said before rushing out the car to go to the men's room.

There we both sat in a complete and awkward silence.

That was until one of decided to break that silence.

"Why do you hate me?" that was out of the blue.

He seriously doest remember does he. I'm debating on what to say to him. Its not everyday you get asked that question.

"You seriously don't remember do you?" I asked.

He just looked at me with a puzzled expression on his face. I don't blame him (for the first time) this is a very weird conversation.

"Remember what?" his voice was full of confusion and another emotion that I couldn't really explain.

"Its me Brooke..."

That was enough to make the emotion on his face change in to so many more such as; shock, happiness and regret.

A/N~I feel so happy that I finally got to finish this chapter after days of planning it. Its not the greatest but at least i tried. Oh yeah guys why do you think Brooke hates Kayden soo much? What do you think happened between them? Who is your faviourt character so far? I would love to hear all of your comments that would be amazing.

Song:Fast car- Jonas Blue

Don't Forget to:


Love -A

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