Chapter 5~I Was Completely And Utterly Wrong.

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Brooke's POV:

Day 1:

After Ava woke me up we started to walk and talk towards the camping spot that we claimed.

To my suprise everyone had already got the tents up without me so that meant no work for me 'yay'.

When we got even closer to the spot everyone noticed us and just waved while in the corner of my eye I could see kayden smirking.

I turned my head at where he was and just glared at him.That just made it worse cause the next thing I know he starts bursting out in fits of laughter.

I walk towards him calmly and asked "Whats so funny?" I hope he knows when to stop for his sake.

He stood there amused about to open his mouth until...

"Dude, I wouldn't if I where you" Parker interrupted.

"No Parker, Let the dick talk, I would love to hear what he has to say." Yeah I was in bitchy mode, I know just bare with me.

At this point everyone was suprised. The boys had confusion written all over their faces while the girls weren't reacting because they knew exactly what was going to go down.

"Oh nothing much...Just the fact that you where I don't know...sleep talking" he replied back to me.

Oh no, I was sleep talking what a big fucking deal. Seriously I don't get why it's such a big deal I've talked in my sleep since I was a kid. The thing that bugs me the most is that he knows this, what can I say, Kayden Rivers has known me for the majority of my existence.

I just Furrowed my eyebrows and gave him a confused/pissed look.
The one you give someone, when they make no complete sense, because they are straight up stupid and don't know what they are talking about.

"So...I sleep talk so what you make it sound like it was some what embarrassing," I said, shrugging my shoulders indicating that it wasn't a big deal.

He just smiled, and let me just add that it was very smug, then he responded "wait you didn't let me finish off what I was gonna say."

"Oh what do you know it's late we should get going," Ava tried to interfere, I get what she is trying to do and I am not going to back down that quickly.

"Yeah...Ava is right, we have a lot planned for tomorrow, we don't wanna wake up late now do we," Noah was quick to defend her, getting closer to her to make it look like they were a team. A perfect duo.

"Anyways...Carry on Kayden, for once in your life, you haven't failed to interest me with the bullshit you speak," I said to kayden, ignoring what the couple beside me tried to justify.

"Yeah well, you see Brooke, I couldn't help but to notice while you where sleep talking You where talking, Actually that's not the right word OH YES Expressing, your feelings towards a certain person which leads me to a question I am dying to ask..." Kayden rambled on.

God Damn.
Has this guy had to much to drink or something. He is being so mysteriously weird.
He needs help.

"Go on," I said, allowing him to ask me this some what important question.

"Who's Isaac?"

And here I thought this trip was going to be fun.

I Was Completely And Utterly Wrong.

A/N~Thank God that I actually finished the ending of this chapter. I was so stuck on what to write next but somehow I just went along with it and created this. I'm fairly happy with it might I add.

Special thanks to Superwoman1664 who inspired me to write more and helped me remember how fun it is to write a story.

Song: Boy- Anne-Marie

Don't Forget to:


Love -A

Camp Fire || Selena Gomez & Fransico LachowskiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin