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A few days after Naruto left on his journey, Sakura was called before the council to give her version of the events of the battle. The rest of the Rookie Nine and Team Gai followed her to watch the proceedings. Many on the council had warmed up to Naruto over the years but there were still some who showed resentment toward him, Danzo for instance. The old war hawk always looked for an excuse to get rid of the demon. In the center of the room sat a smirking Sasuke, who just knew that Sakura would plead his case for him. He'd get off scott free and be happily making Uchiha babies by tomorrow. Konoha needed the Sharingan. There was no way they could do away with him. All eyes were brought to the front when Tsunade cleared her throat.

"As you all know, Jiraiya died in the line of duty. His name has been added to the memorial stone and myself and the Toad Sennin Namikaze Naruto, in his memory, have commissioned a special monument. But what we are here for is to decide the fate of one Uchiha Sasuke. The floor is now open for debate."

"Toad Sennin? Namikaze Naruto? Who in the hell is that? If a new Toad Sennin has been named, then as the holder of the snake contract I demand that I be named the new Snake Sennin."

Tsunade slammed her fist on the table in front of her, splintering the wood and sending documents and water glasses everywhere. Her eyes blazed with fury as she glared at the helpless Uchiha.

"You will hold your tongue you impudent little whelp. As a traitor and dangerous S-rank nukenin, you have no rights here right now. Your name means nothing and as far as I'm concerned, the Uchiha clan and the Sharingan eye died three years ago when you left. In my opinion, that damnable bloodline should be let to die out. Now I want to hear arguments, for or against the Uchiha, and they better damn well be backed up with facts and make perfect sense."

Danzo couldn't hold his tongue anymore and stood to speak. His face was emotionless and he spoke with an authority that was never to be his to hold, having been denied the Hokageship in his younger years.

"I believe that we should incarcerate the Uchiha and breed him with select women to enhance the Sharingan, bringing them under our control so that another Uchiha massacre and this disgrace of a ninja in front of us never happens again. The Sharingan is too powerful a weapon to let die, but with the proper guidance, future Uchihas could be this countries most loyal ninja. I vote for life imprisonment with no chance of parole."

"Any seconds for life imprisonment?"

There were several hands that went up and the majority of those in the room voted for imprisonment. Tsunade scowled at this as she believed that a quick death would avoid any problems in the future. Deciding to pick and choose her battles, she moved onto the next topic or tried to when an angry Sasuke decided to make himself known.

"You can't do this to me. I'm an Uchiha. My clan is the most powerful in this village and we hold power. I shouldn't be here in chains; I should be on a council seat helping to rule this pitiful village. I should be Hokage for all I've given for this village. I killed Orochimaru, I killed Itachi. Are my good deeds not put into consideration?"

Hyuuga Hiashi rose from his chair and glared at the boy in the center of the room. His voice took on an even more chilling quality than it normally did.

"And what deeds would those be Sasuke? Betraying the village, trying to kill numerous ninja of the village, aiding and abetting Orochimaru? Do you think whatever missions you did as a genin of this village far outweigh your sins against it? You sit there and act in contempt of your home village and yet expect mercy. I would like to recast my vote for death, of both Uchiha Sasuke and the Sharingan. Clearly, no matter how helpful it is in battle, the truth is that Konoha has been without a Sharingan for years and got along fine. And for your information, young one, one person does not a clan make."

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