Standing in front of the mirror, Faraz again scrutinized his appearance and then stared at his face.

His heart only said...

I am coming, my Sammy girl for you.


Sitting in the drawing room of Samreen's parents home, Faraz wasn't feeling as confident as he had a few hours earlier. Faisal, Samreen's father was scrutinizing every single detail about him and worse was he was probing him with even more minute insistence. From the corner of his eye, he could see Nouman had a silly grin on his face, enjoying his torment.

"So you are studying at the moment. And you plan to work after your studies?" Faisal enquired raising his greying eyebrows.

Faraz nodded slowly, "I do plan to start looking part time work once I go back. This year I will complete my studies and inshaa Allah then I will be applying for full-time work."

"What about accommodation?" Faisal again asked.

"For the time being, I can afford to rent a small flat but with time I plan to purchase my own apartment inshaa Allah." Faraz answered assertively.

Faisal then turned to Shabbir discussing with him and understanding what career Shabbir was working at. As the elders spoke, Faisal sighed in relief. Nouman slipped on the sofa next to him, "Not bad man. I never thought you had in you to answer Baba's questions so confidently."

Faraz just nodded, tapping his fingers on his formal pants clad knee. A clear indication he was nervous until he hears what was the final answer of Samreen's parents of the marriage proposal.

In the living room, Ghazala sat among the women admiring the young petite would be daughter in law. Samreen was dressed in light pink shalwar kameez that reflected the natural blush of her cheeks. Her heart beat was escalating by the minute. She had once met Ghazala when Nouman had been invited for dinner at Faraz's parents place. But never in her wildest dreams, had she thought this would be her soon to be mother in law.

"Samreen beti, how do you like Dublin?" Ghazala asked softly.

"It is a beautiful place and more so I like the weather." Samreen replied with her eyes downcast.

"You like rain?" The eight-year-old Arbaaz scrunched his nose and blurted in shock.

Ghazala reprimanded her son, "Of course she does. She lived all her life in a desert."

Arbaaz sheepishly looked away. Nawal was very excited gazing at the young woman who may become her sister in law.

The ten-year-old girl sat timidly beside Samreen and spoke in soft tones, "Will you really become my bhabi?"

Ghazala glared at her daughter, "Nawal!!"

Samreen shook her head, "No it's okay aunty."

Nawal said in a hushed tone so her mother wouldn't hear her, "I don't have a sister. Will you be my sister then?"

Samreen cupped Nawal's face with both her hands, "I don't have a sister either. Let's be sisters then?"

Nawal nodded eagerly and caught Samreen by surprise as the little girl hugged her tightly. Soothingly stroking Nawal's hair, Samreen was happy that through this marriage she will not only gain a husband but a sister that she had always craved.

And indeed the sisterhood between the two young women strengthened with years.


Forgetting Love (Dublin Sisters #2.5)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon