Can we not go back home??

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Lay and I were about to finish our dinner .. We were about to head home.. I was about to meet that person. No! Not today!

" Heyyy Layy, there's this place where I would love you to see!! "

"I thought you're tired and wanted to go home?"Lay asked with curiosity.

"Ermm.. I don't want this date to end so fast. I mean the night is still young right???"

"Ermm.. I guess but its already 12 :s"

" What??So fast?"

"______, don't you realise that you took me to few places already  because you said the night is still young :s"

"Did I ? Hahaha. Okay then let's go home" I forced  myself to say.

" Okay :) Let's go!"

Both of us came and went back with walking. I honestly think it was more romantic that way. He put his jacket on top of me because he realised I was cold... Such a sweet guy.

"Alright we're here .. I bet Jeen is already waiting for you. How about Kris and Sehun? When are they coming?"

"Ohh I think they're already here because Kris sent me a text asking where am I. But before we go in, hold on.."

He took out a box from his pocket and asked me to turn around.

I followed what he said and found him wearing me a beautiful necklace with his name on my neck. With that he gave me  a quick peck on my cheeks.. Honestly, that made me blush. But I only blush because it was cute of him. I still didn't not feel anything for him or anyone.

"So I assume it was a fun date?"

I know that voice, I turn to look at the person who asked. Kris. Urghhh.

"Yea :)" Lay said it while he looked at me.

I smiled back at him and led him in to the house, ignoring Kris. But he followed with someone from the back. Sehunnn!!!

I got excited seeing him, I have no idea why. " Sehunn!!" I hugged him not caring what Lay of Kris thought.

"Hahahahaha excited much? I have a good impact on you is it? "

"Hahahaha you wish ! " I said as I slapped his arm.

"Hahahaha by the way, I got something to ask you."

"Okayyy let me know later, I'll go change first"

I left three of them and ran up to my room and change.


I came down with comfortable pants and tee. With Lay's necklace. I might even not take it off ever :D

I found them laughing in the kitchen with Jeen too. My grandma went to bed early as she has to go to the farm in the morning with the three of us. Mimi, Me and Jeen .

" Mimi, psssttt come here" I called her from the living room.

"What ? Tell me! Tell me! I bet its about Kris" She sounded.

"What?Why does it always have to be about Kris! But anyways it is about him now.. You know that he gave me a month to realise that I like him"

"But you do, even now at this moment"

"Are you mad?. I will never like him! Anyways, as I said . One month. And look , I have only two weeks left. And I haven't gone out with the other mates yet! Yesss!! there will never be time for Kris!!"

"You're going to miss him."

"Shut it Mi. I do not care about him!"

"If that's what you say.. "

I saw someone at the back of me and I expected it to be Kris and turn around " Don't dare say a word Kri-" I saw it was Sehun and stopped my sentence.

"Can we talk now?"'He asked me quietly.

"Sure sure, let's go up to my room" I said and we went.


"I would love to go out with you. You sure Lay wouldn't mind? Because we had a good time just now and if I go out with another, he might feel bad?"

Sehun smiled and answered " Ohh you don't have to worry! We were talking about it just now! You know we're going to help you and your grandma at the farm tomorrow. Lay, Kris and I. Its duty and date with you :)"

"Hahahaha aww thanks ! Okay 2 In 1 :D"

" Great!! Alright I have to go out with the guys now. We'll talk later okay! "

I shot him a smile as a reply and he went.


It was 4am and they still haven't came back. I woke up and felt the need to wash up. I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.

I heard the front door open. Laughter at 4am. The annoying Jeen's laughter. They're back.

I was still brushing my teeth and I saw Kris coming upstairs and came in the bathroom where I was.

"You don't have to do that"

"What? Brush my teeth? Go away Kris."

" Hahahaha no.. You don't have to wait for me"

"Who on earth said I was waiting for you?"

"No one said, I just know :) " He was already near me. I looked away and spit into the sink and wipe my wet hands and start heading to my room when he grab my wrist and pulled me closer to him " Doesn't this make you nervous?"

I was too close to him, my hands were on his chest as I was having a hard time moving away , I tried pushing but he was too strong.

"No, it doesn't. It makes me more annoyed"

" So Sehun huh? You move fast! You'll get your time with me, what's the rush for? Hahahaha"

" I don't want time with you. I'm not going fast. I'm going fine."

"That's what you forced yourself to say.. Its not what you want to say"

"Get out Kris!!! "

He didn't move, he just smirked.

"Okayy I'll tell you one thing. If I didn't go out with you and I went out with everyone else, then that's clear I don't like you. I'm left with two weeks Kris. Do the math"

With that I left him and went back to sleep.

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