I put my phone back into my pocket and wrap my cardigan closer to myself. Good thing I'm wearing sweats - it won't attract anyone.

"So, uhm... Lara, how are you?" Quinn asks quickly. I felt myself getting sucked into the chair more and more, "I'm fine."

Before he could speak anymore, a barista interrupts and places down the drinks on our tables.

"I got four passion fruit bombs here," he places them on the table.

"Okay, and who ordered the apricot tea delight?" The man without a shirt on says in a deep voice. I raise my hand slightly and he places down the drink in front of me.

He winks at me and walks away with his drink holder.

"Oh, you ordered the apricot tea delight. You should've ordered the piña colada," Quinn stares at me making me feel uncomfortable.

I flinch and take a deep breath, "Too bad, I-I rather have this."

"Damn, there's some tension going on in here," David bellows as he wraps his arm around me, but I flinch making him take it off right away.

"Excuse me, guys. I have to go to the bathroom," I quickly say as David and Quinn stand up for me to escape.

Aubrey was about to follow, but I looked at her and shook my head.

I run right to the bathroom and stare at the mirror, "Don't be afraid, Marian Lara. He can't do anything when there's a lot of people. Don't be afraid."

I felt a vibration in my pocket,

"where are you? Don't say inside the restaurant. Where are you right now."

I quickly type 'fixing my hair' and sent it right away. I walk out of the bathroom and turn to leave the hallway when a hand grabs me from behind.

I gasp and was pinned down onto the wall causing my head to form a bruise.

"You thought you could just get away from me, babe," his voice was burning near my neck.

I couldn't speak and started to shake.

"I get what I want and there's no stopping me. You're riding with me, babe," he says as he got away from me and quickly ran to the bathroom. How is it that he knows me from one encounter...

God. I shake my head trying to erase what had happened last night. Why is he so obsessed. Then, I remembered Jake came.

Thank god he did.

"Hey, Lara. Jake just called me, he said meet him outside," Austin says as he held the phone in his hand. I turn my heel to go in the direction of the doors, "Oh, uhm... Okay." I feel like being followed by loud footsteps but I ignore them.

I swing the restaurant doors open and I see Jake as if he were never sick. "Lara!" He walks towards me signaling a hug and my mood lightens up. He wraps his arms around me and immediately lets go, "Let's go in, we don't want them to wait," he smiles and puts one his hand on the small of my back.

As soon as we stepped foot inside the the restaurant, however, his hand tensed up on my back. He moves his head towards my ear, "Why is here," his voice had a mixture of anger and worry. I look at him and smile but I think he saw through my mask. Jake and I walk towards the table and Aubrey and Austin stand up to let me sit down next to them.

Now they let me sit by them...

"Lara, wouldn't you like to sit by me?" Quinn smirks, and I look down at the table, but before I could speak, Jake interrupts, "Nope. I'm sitting next to you," and at that he plants himself right next to Quinn and David.

Infinite - Jake T. Austin Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now