The Key and The Cage

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"Lily turn the key and you are free!"

In her mind she saw terrifying images of her potential future. She saw death, sadness, and betrayal.

What if I don't want to leave yet?
I don't want to suffer these terrible things!
I have to. For me, for my family, and for Henry!

The key turned and the curse was broken on the cage. Lily crumpled to the ground and the cage door opened with a metal creak.

Henry rushed to Lily's side as Lily's eyes slowly opened and looked around. "Henry? Is that you? Where...are we?"

"It's me, don't worry." He helped Lily sit up so that she could sit against the metal bars. "Currently we're in Neverland."

"Neverland..." Lily paused. "Henry, are you sure this isn't another nightmare?"

Henry's eyes widened. "Nightmares? What did they do to you?"

"They kind of...trapped me in my head, I suppose." Lily still looked around like a panicked animal looking around for any oddities or indicators of a nightmare. "He showed me things, horrible things that I'd rather not discuss."

"Who is the "he" who made you experience all this?"

"Oh the most vile, terrible person to ever live, Peter Pan." Lily spit upon the ground as she said his name.

"Pan?" Henry grew angrier. "He did this to you? I swear that when I can get my hands on him, I'll kill him!"

"Henry," Lily laughed. "Your anger is justified, I feel the same way, but jeez! Tone down the death threats."

An embarrassed blush crossed Henry's face, "Sorry..." He shook his head."But make no mistake, I'll try to stop him as best as I can. No one should ever do that to you again."

Lily was silent for a moment, she'd never seen Henry so serious about anything. After a few moments she started up the conversation once more, "Hey Henry, I don't think it's very safe to stay here. Pan put me here and if he returns, I'm not sure he'll be too happy I've escaped."

"Alright." Henry outstretched his hand and helped Lily stand for the first time in a month. She had to lean on his shoulder and Henry wrapped his arm around her waist. Lily swayed back and forth as her legs  moved shakily. They walked one step at a time until they arrived at a clearing where Henry set Lily down against a tree trunk and he sat down at another tree trunk opposite Lily.

"Henry, I still can't believe it's you. It feels like years since I've seen you." Lily smiled.

Henry recalled his exploits in the Lost Boy Camp. He felt the sharp knife of guilt and felt terrible that he left Lily here to be tortured while he forgot all about her.

"I know now that Pan gave you the nightmares and put you in the cage, but do remember anything before that?" Henry shifted against the tall tree. "Anything before the nightmares I mean."

"All I remember is when I was drugged by Markus and taken away, nothing else. Actually," She paused. "Henry how did you get here?"

"I had to get here by breaking Tamara and Markus out of prison. Emma and the others didn't want me to come and get you, but I didn't know if you'd be okay," Henry replied.

"Henry, you are such a dummy!" Lily shakily stood up by herself and walked over to Henry. She hugged him tightly and whispered in his ear,"I-I was so scared..." She paused. "Thank you"


Henry and Lily started to get hungry after awhile and decided to set up camp. Lily already had a lot of experience with survival and she started to teach Henry the basics. She taught him how to make a fire, how to catch a fish, how to identify berries, and how to build a shelter. Henry was a quick learner and he was a master at these things in no time.

"Henry, I'm going to go get some firewood,  be right back!" Said Lily

"Alright, I've gotta watch the fish that I'm cooking, see you later."

Henry was content living like this, he had enough to eat, a place to sleep, and a trusted friend beside him. All was well...for now.

for now

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