The Loyal Companion

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This boy that I had come to know as Henry became my best friend. He sat by my bedside every day in the hospital. He helped me learn about the town and how breaking the curse on the town helped fix everything. When I eventually went back to school he would always sit next to me and would help me with my work. Every time I'm around him I still see the strange look in his eyes. I still don't know exactly that look in his eyes is, but it looks like he believes in something, I just don't know what yet.

About a month had passed since Emma and David found Lily. Henry has been following Lily around and helping her adapt to normal life. As for Lily, she was being watched extremely close by Emma, Mary Margaret, and Regina to watch for any magic or strange events. Otherwise, she seemed pretty much like a normal girl. The only thing was, the level of mischief seemed to rise when Henry and Lily were around as many things began to go ary.

"Hey Henry, what's this?" Lily gazed wide-eyed at an illustration pointed of a wedding being crashed by an Evil Queen. Lily leaned her elbows on the coffee table and cradled her head between them. By reading this book, she held a child-like curiosity, the love of learning.

Lily rolled up her sleeves as she flipped page by page. The sleeves on the blouse Mary Margaret gave her were a bit long, but Mary Margaret was going to go with Lily to buy a few new outfits that weekend. She'd already stayed a month with them, so Lily was practically family already. Now Lily sat in the apartment dressed in a white blouse, jeans, and boots with Henry at the coffee table looking through the Storybook.

"Oh that's just the story where Snow and Charming's wedding was crashed by Regina. It wasn't really a big deal though, just a few threats on the kingdom" Henry chuckled.

"Do you think I might have been at the wedding? It looks like the whole kingdom was there," Lily held the locket that now hung around her neck. "If everyone was there except for Regina, I must've at least made an appearance, right?"

"Maybe..." Henry thought about this for a moment. "You would've definitely been a bit younger at that time since it was a few years before the curse."

"I guess so..." Lily then began to yell to Mary Margaret downstairs, "Hey Ms. Snow, do you know how many years ago your wedding was before the curse was cast?" Lily quickly leaned over and whispered in a low tone to Henry, "Five bucks it was two years"

"Six bucks it was three years" Henry chuckled.

"I believe it was two years," Mary Margaret called from downstairs in the living room of the apartment.

"Pay up Henry!" Lily stood proudly with her hand held out, ready to accept the money.

"Why do I even bother? You always win these things, it's like you're psychic!" Henry then took out his wallet and grudgingly handed six dollars to Lily who pocketed the money greedily.

"Maybe I am, or maybe I'm not. I could be an alien from outer space sent to slowly eat people's brains!" Lily then stretched her arms out and walked robotically. "We. Come. In. Peace. To. Eat. Your. Braaains"

"With that impression I'm pretty sure you have no brain." Henry laughed.

"Hey! You take that back!"

Henry chuckled, "What if I don't?"

"Then your brains are mine!" Lily picked up two sharpened pencils from her night table and threw one to Henry. "En garde" Lily charged at him as Henry defended. Clangs of small wooden sticks were heard around the room. It looked quite pathetic actually, but it didn't matter to them.

Lily swiped and slashed, soon disarming Henry as he fell to the ground. Her attack was so quick and skilled however that as soon as she disarmed Henry, she stood in a few moments of confusion.

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