Chapter Twenty Two

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Well over an hour had passed since the two left the room. I wasn't brave enough to go downstairs and find out if anyone was still alive. I had no doubt that Sam and Petra probably ripped each other to shreds. I could make out raised voices, but never caught what they were saying. it occurred to me Sam must have be right outside our door listening in earlier. that little sneak.  Though I was pretty grateful he came in when he did, I think I was just seconds away from throttling Petra. The whole cabin fell into silence barring the ticking of the clock. I'd gotten quite used to the noise now. it became a comforting sound in the dead of the night when i was so used to city noise.

Minutes dragged on. This was torture. I had to see if they were ok. I stepped outside and crept down the stairs. Petra's door was wide open, but no one was in there. I quietly made my way to the living room. no one was there either. They must have moved outside. So I stepped out the front door. Sam was standing at the far end of the porch staring out into the distance, I stepped over anxiously, where was Petra?

"Sam?" he put his hand out for me to take, I tentatively took it. His hold felt stressed, I snaked my arm around his waist and hugged him. "She'll be back shortly." he answered the question i wanted to know. "Is she ok?"

"She worries, that's all."

"Understandably. Maybe we should take things slow, what if I were to stay somewhere else?" I wasn't sure where I'd go, let alone have the money to cover rent. There might be some share accommodation in the next town over...

He shook his head vehemently. "Thats the most ridiculous thing I've heard come out of your mouth."


"No buts, now shush. you're staying here. Subject closed."

I wanted to open my mouth and argue. But honestly, I was fresh out of steam. What could we talk about? I glanced over to him, I remembered he never answered something earlier.

"Where have you been?" Now noticed he was smartly dressed in a suit. What on could prompt such formal attire?

"I needed to go into the city to some stuff out with my solicitor."

"Not in trouble I hope?"

"Nothing of that sort" He smiled, "Just tying up loose ends." I nodded, I wondered if I was privileged enough to know what these loose ends were. I tossed up and down on asking him. He wasn't ready to tell me, But surely, I deserved to know? I could hear a car coming up the driveway. Petra was back. I felt even more tense than before. Sam placed a reassuring hand on my back, he rubbed lightly watching Petra. She paused at the car door and looked up. Her face showed no emotion, I was hard to say whether if the air was clear, and all that was going on was wound licking. She skipped up the stairs lightly carrying a bag, opening it, she fished out a tub of Ben & Jerry's. Handing it over to me to take, I accept it, the liquid in it sloshed. It was the thought that counted I supposed.

"All good?" I asked trying to read her.

"Yea. Sorry I went off at you. I guess I was over stepping my bounds." It was impossible to tell if her sincerity was real. I looked up to Sam who was smiling encouragingly. He seemed to believe her. It must have been then.

"Friends again?"

"Of course Kate! Now Sam, shoo. We have a lot of making up to do!" I didn't want to leave Sam. I wanted to get to know him better. Find out where my place was in all of this. But I needed to make amends with his best friend.

Sam disappeared off to his room while I put the ice cream in the freezer. Petra was already on her marked territory armchair with a bottle of cleanskin wine and glasses. 

"You and Sam huh?" sipping her wine she wriggled her eyebrows. I took a sip of my wine. I was still feeling a little reserved, unsure of how much to tell her. I needed to loosen up a bit. I took another sip of the wine.

"Yea, crazy isn't it?"

"Very. But It sounds like the two of you were meant to be. He told me everything." Did he really, Pet? I was pretty sure she was telling porkies now. My guard went back up instantly. Something was off and I couldn't quite work it out. I'd play along for now.

"He's amazing Pet, I don't think I've ever quite felt like this." Least that was truthful.

"What about Brad?" She leaned in, pouring herself another glass.

"What about him?" I shrugged. "It's history. What I thought we had, we never did."

"Surely you miss him though?"

"Well, Yes and no. I miss home. But I don't miss him. He betrayed me. There's no coming back from that."

"I suppose. You won't hurt Sam will you? He's been through a lot."

"And he's a big boy Pet, He can look after himself. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. But let us find out for ourselves ok?" What was up with her? We were back to arguing again, but in a much more civil way. It was time for a subject change.

"Thanks for helping me with the bucks party today."

"They weren't that bad. I got a number of one of them!" Good god, I hope you lost that number then.

"Wow! lucky you!" I tried to act as excited as I could for her. I listened to her describe him in detail, Her eyes glazed over as she talked about him. She's a big girl too Kate, let her figure it out. I glanced over to the clock. It was nearing midnight. I couldn't believe I had sat here listening to her babble all night. I wanted to like her, I really did, But she was hiding something. I finished off my glass and got up.

"Bedtime, I think" She nodded, stumbling over to her room and shut the door. I picked up the wine bottle and glasses taking them into the kitchen. She'd drunk the whole bottle, When I only had half a glass. It must have taken a lot of effort for her to get through tonight I guessed.

Sam's door was closed. I hovered, I really wanted to see him. Should I knock? Shouldn't I? I won't. He was probably asleep. I wondered what he looked like sleeping. Maybe a tiny peek wouldn't hurt.  I twisted the handle ever so slowly, pushing the door, no light escaped. He must have been asleep. I pushed the door open further, putting my head in, my eyes adjusted to the darkness. trying to find him in the bed. There was no one in it. I pushed the door open all the way. Where was he?

"Looking for something?" I almost screamed. He was in the far corner of the room in an armchair on his phone. The light on his phone flickered off. This place had too many hiding spaces.

"Opened the wrong door." I replied nonchalantly. 

He got up from his chair and closed the gap between us. "Worse lair ever."

His hands found my hips and he lifted me up with little effort, I wrapped myself around him, as he closed the door, letting the room fall into darkness again.

"I want you so bad, Kate." and I wanted him bad too. Live a little Kate.

He didn't wait for me to reply, kisses trialled down my neck. I tightened my hold onto him savouring every moment. he moved over to the bed and placed me gently down on the cover.

"Stay with me tonight." he whispered.

"I will."

The Unnecessarily Complicated Love Life Of Kate Morrison. [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz