Chapter Seventeen

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I glanced at the old fashioned analog clock on the bed side table, the lamp next to it illuminated the room. I'd only slept for a few hours. The sky outside told me it was night time, I groaned, It was going to be even hard to go back to sleep. My stomach grumbled. I needed food. The place was so quiet, that what woke me up was when I heard the front door open and close. Voice filtered through from downstairs. It was just after 5 in the afternoon. I could hear Petra telling someone about me. I guessed it must have been Sam. I listened to his response. He sounded pleased, he wouldn't be so short staffed now it was peak season. I felt a bit better about taking the offer to stay and work here.

I sat up. There was no point sleeping anymore. I would be back in bed soon. besides I was really hungry. I hadn't had anything other than the coffee. Stumbling out of bed I made my way down the stairs to the kitchen. I saw Petra sitting on the kitchen bench smiling and chatting away to who had to be Sam who was washing the dishes. Petra saw me and leapt off the bench and came bounding over to me like an excited puppy. she threaded her arm into my and lead me over to this young man's back, "Sam, I want to you meet Kate, Kate, Sam."

"Hi, Kate, Just a moment please" He greeted warmly. He hadn't looked up yet, he was just drying his hands before he turned and looked at me. His posture straightened, I could see him trying to work out where he knew me from. I gave a small wave and put my hand out to shake his.

"Nice to meet you, Sam." He didn't look happy. in fact, his whole face was going red. He looked like he was about to explode. my smile faltered and I rescinded my hand and took a step back. Well, that was it. my chance was gone.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here?" He spluttered out.

He looked over my head to Petra and barked out "She's not welcome here. Find her somewhere else to stay." I looked over to her, shifting uncomfortably, I pocketed my hands in the  back pockets of the shorts. I didn't know what to do next. Should I go? I needed my clothes though, But they were in the wash. I hoped that they'd let me stay long enough for them to dry.

Petra remained unmoved. She crossed her arms and tapped her foot. It looked like she knew what was coming. 

Sam thrusted a finger at my face and shouted, "That, silly little girl here nearly killed one of our customers and herself in the process in my park. She has no regards for safety or the rules. I will not have some spoilt little girl working in my park."

I gasped, offended. Is that all he summed up from his brief encounter with me?

"I am not spoilt little girl." I replied angrily, crossing my arms. As soon as the words were out, I realised just how I was acting. Exactly as he described me. i bit my tongue. I still couldn't help but feel a little defensive. I was nervous though, would he really kick me out tonight? I just need to ride out this nightmare for another twelve hours, just needed a good night's sleep, then I could try phone my parents and... no, no. no more leaning on anyone. I needed to sort out my own shit.

"You can't bring in every stray person you find." He continued to shout angrily over my head to Petra. Completely ignoring the fact I was stranding right there in front of him. Petra ignored his harsh words, I, however had trouble doing so. This wasn't the first time she took in someone to this house? I bit my tongue harder. No wonder he was reluctant to let me stay. 

"Come on, Sam, She's not Angela. I'll voucher for her, I promise I'll train up at the park myself. Give me 30 days. She will be useful. Trust me." Her negotiation with Sam hurt. She did not defend my character assassination. Did she think I was a spoiled little girl too?

He grunted and stormed away down the hallway. I leaned over to Petra to ask who Angela was when Sam yelled,

"One week, Petra! I am holding you to it!" he called out from the stairs. She clapped her hands and hugged me. "We're going to have so much fun!" I didn't believe her for one minute. my job was just to get enough money together in a week now quickly as possible and get out of here before she could find another reason for me to stay. I was clear from Sam I was as welcome as a cockroach in his home.


While Sam hid himself away in his room blaring the music loudly, I remained downstairs, she handed me a bowl of soup as we sat down at the dining table. I noticed that no bowl was made up for Sam.

"Should we let Sam know dinner is ready?"

"No, he's acting like a kid who didn't get his way. He's a big boy, he can get it himself."

I still felt uncomfortable. I was causing friction in the home. I'd leave as soon as I got in touch with my parents. I was sure they would let me stay at their house, even though it was being house sat by someone else. I didn't want to have to rely on my parents. I was proud of my independence. But this called for me to swallow my pride.

"Tell me about Sam" I asked, wanting to get away from my thoughts.

"Sam is..." Petra tried to sum up the best words to describe him. "Sam. He's loyal, he's fierce and really, he's lovely." She could see I took what she said with a grain of salt. "Sam is going through a tough time. It doesn't give him the right to behave like he is, and if he does a repeat of his actions tonight, you let me know and I'll set him straight."

"What happened to him then?"

"It's not my story to tell. I want to, It would make it easier to explain everything, but, I think he needs to tell you, not me." let go of the curious breath I'd been holding. I wasn't going to get anything from her tonight. Sam was going to have to remain Mr Mystery Hobo for another day. She chattered away about the park, Telling me the ins and outs of it. I nodded in all the right places, But all I really wanted to do was get back to bed. At some point the music coming through the celling died out. I snuffed in a yawn, to which Petra noticed and looked over to the clock on the wall gasping "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, I didn't realise how late it was! Next time tell me to shut up. Sam does."

"Thanks for the dinner. it was superb. I'll just get a glass of water and head to bed." I picked up the bowls and took them to the kitchen as Petra made her way to bed. I felt bad Sam hadn't had dinner, even though he was being a "momentual ass" as Petra put it, I filled up the bowl with warm soup and took it up the stairs. I hovered at Sam's door. He was probably asleep. I had the bowl here though, I may as well see if he wanted it. I knocked on the door waiting for an answer, I pressed my ear up against the door to see if I could hear anything, the door swung open and I stumbled into the room, almost losing the bowl of soup. Sam grabbed the bowl out of my hand before it could spill, placing it down on the dresser next to the door.

"Did you want something?"

"I uh, just thought, you might be hungry. Sorry its not  overly warm, I noticed you didn't have microwave, where is it by the way?" I rambled on, I shoved my hands back into the pockets of my shorts. They felt like they'd been doing far more hand gestures they should have been doing lately.

"We don't have one."

"No microwave?" I looked at him disbelievingly.


I couldn't be sure, was he pulling my leg? Who didn't have a microwave? but his face told me he was deadly serious.

"Right, um well..."

"Did you need anything else?" He interrupted.

"What?. No, I Just..."

"Good, get out." I never known someone as rude has he was. My plans to leave tomorrow? No freaking way. I was going to show him I was not a spoilt little girl. And if that didn't prove anything, at least I'd annoyed the shit out of him for a week.  I turned and went to my room and slammed the door. I fell onto the bed, sprawled out like a star, I stared at the roof beams, trying to block out all the thoughts threatening to keep me up  and drifted into dreamless sleep.

The Unnecessarily Complicated Love Life Of Kate Morrison. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now