Chapter One

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Twenty nine  year old Ginny Harding was a girl who know how to commander the attention of men. It started first with her father. With her mother out of the picture long ago, it was her and her father for a long time. All she had to do was speak her wish and whatever she desired was given. He didn't have time for little girls. It was a simple matter of batting her eyelashes, giving a hopeful and innocent look. It was enough to make her father bow to her requests, just for 5 more minutes of peace. As she reached young adulthood, she realised the skill could be used on more than just her father.

She could use it on men everywhere she went. Very little she had to pay for out of her own pocket. Hungry? No worries, it's on the house. Thirsty? Let me pay for that. From an outsider's point of view, she was something to be jealous of. Men felt an unexplainable urge to retreat to their primitive ways and need to protect her from predators. Their friends. Best mates. She was careful to ensure she dressed well, nothing too trashy. She gave an aurora of being a refined young woman with voluptuous curves in all the right places. Her natural blond hair fell around her face and ended in bouncy curls around her bosom. She was a picture of perfection in every way. And there was only one man she was after tonight.

Just like she had been, every night for the last three years.

My boyfriend.

Her best friend.

I huffed as I called Brad for the fifth time. Or maybe it was the seventh? I shook my head in disgust as I watched the interaction of the club goers through the window. Desperately trying to seek out my boyfriend among the strobing light.

I clutched my phone hard in my cold hands and shivered. It was late August, winter was on its way out but there was the seasonal windy wet weather going on. Serves me right for wearing that new black short and strapless glittery dress when summer hadn't even started.

As I rang Brad's number continuously again and again as it went to voicemail I glared at the window of the club and waited his answer. And then, the crowd parted, just like the red sea.

There was Brad, deeply engrossed in a conversation with Ginny. The girl who had her hand clutching his arm a tad too long than I'd have liked, laughing at whatever was being said. I could see the whole conversation playing out in my head.

"Brad dear, whatever happened to your girlfriend? What was her name again? Kelly?"

"No, I think it's Kay, or Kate? Something like that. Don't worry about her, she's just outside in the rain. She keeps calling me. It' getting a bit infuriating to be honest."

"Shouldn't you answer?"

"Nah, let me have a few more minutes of fun before I have to let the old ball and chain come in."

The two can laugh off his bad joke while I just stand on here getting wet. From the rain, not the thought of Brad. I cursed myself for not bringing and umbrella, even though I knew the weather forecast for tonight was light to heavy rain, I didn't take an umbrella because it would clash horribly with my dress, and secondly, I didn't think I'd be outside long, or even at all. I was so sure I was in for a quick shoo in.

My head throbbed and my feet protested from as the fabric of my heeled shoes dug into my skin from being appropriately soaked in a puddle on my way over here. I had not much luck today. It was just one of those days. First I was held back at work to finish off a transcript, then I missed the train, deciding to spend a hefty amount on a taxi ride. I thought I was safe, then as I stepped out of the car. I stepped right into the puddle. And to top it off. I had been outside in the rain for the last hour, while all the important people were inside, nice and dry.

The black shimmery dressed I had bought for this occasion felt two sizes too small as I watched the interaction continue between my boyfriend and Ginny. I couldn't help but compare myself to her. I was sure I was beginning to look like a raccoon, wondering whether I had been smart enough to apply waterproof mascara tonight or not. I tried reassure myself that Brad wasn't like that. and what I was thinking was just a gross distortion of what was really being said. It was more likely to be about predicting the outcome of the next football match, or that chick movie I wanted to see and that Ginny begged Brad to see with her last weekend, and which he did.

The Unnecessarily Complicated Love Life Of Kate Morrison. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now