Chapter Thirteen

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"I love you."

I smiled as I recalled his kind words, How could have this heartless jerk, have me move in with him, only to shack up with his best friend, Ginny? what did she have that I didn't?

A club for a start....

I had to agree. she could offer him more, socially and economically than I ever could. I couldn't understand what it was about me that mad him stick with me after three years. Was I just a pawn in his game of cat and mouse with Ginny? was he waiting for her all this time? asking me to move in was just something to get the ball rolling?

I stared into the darkness before me. How wrong my thoughts of our relationship were not more than a week ago. I wanted to stay here and mope. Brad wasn't hurt. A part of me let out a sigh of relief there. He was okay. More than okay. He was with her. In a safe place. with a roof over his head. I looked at the clock on the dashboard.

It was now nearly midnight. I was exhausted from the crying. Sniffling, I sat up straighter in my seat. It was time to grow up. What was I going to do? I couldn't go back to the hotel, not after my tirade. I thought about sleeping on the side of the road, but the thought of ghost tour came to my head, making me more nervous about sitting here. I glanced around nervously, before I realised it, I had kicked the car into gear and started to drive quickly up the ascent. I didn't want to wait around for some ghost to come out from the shadows. Why did I have to pick up that brochure? couldn't I just learn to curb my over active imagination? Clearly not.

I started to calm down a little as I watched the road in front of me twist and turn. my head started to go back over what was wrong with the relationship. I tried to stop myself, but I couldn't help but get mad. I became mad with Ginny, for winning, then Brad for giving in to her advances, him for not listening to me.  Then back to being mad at Ginny. then Brad. My head started to go in circles. I resolutely accepted I was mad at them both. I sighed. I already had gone over this in my head too many times. Nothing good ever came out of delving into what when wrong in the relationship. It was never going to work, not with Ginny, it would be like there was always a third person in the relationship, there was a third person in the relationship, me. I took another deep breath. I was getting myself worked up. It was late, I was tired and I wanted to sleep.

I pulled over once more when I reached the top of the mountain. I needed a plan. I couldn't stay here on the side of the road all night. I grasped the steering wheel tugging at it forcefully, trying to shake the anger off me. I resigned to the fact I might just have to face a long drive home to Sydney. But where to? All my stuff was at Brad's place. my apartment had been rented out quickly so I didn't have to pay the full two weeks rent for my notice. I was going to have to go back to Brad's place at some point and start packing again.

Starting my car up for the umpteenth time today, I drove on, wanting to distract myself, I turned the radio on, a song came on '...The lover is in love, but the other has run away, the lover is crying 'cos the other won't stay..." The song crooned out giving me a fresh slap on the face. I changed the signal but got nothing but crackle. stupid valleys, stupid trees. what kind of stupid backwards place is this? If stupid Ginny hadn't got into the way I could have been having a delicious dinner with Brad, on the house from the hotel, apologies for loosing the booking, a late night stroll to the arch, admiring the formations on the rocks, listening to the sound of nature near the blue lake, we could have had a picnic, with the sun on our faces, it would have been a perfect place for a proposal...

"I hate you!" I screamed at no one in particular. I wished Brad was close enough to feel my wrath. How dare he, embarrass me like that, running off with some stupid tart. Then it all dawned on me. I had no boyfriend, no ring, no job, and worse, no where to go. Panic started to rise in me. My perfectly laid out plans had come falling down to earth with a startling crash.

I had no back up plan.

The road ahead of me, started to show a while hunched figure on the road. squinting my eyes in attempt to mahout out the shape I tried to figure, I realised too late what it was. I slammed my breaks trying desperately to avoid the accident coming. The white figure looked up in alarm as I tried turned my car wheels the other direction. the figure hopped away in time, but I had lost control of the car, following the kangaroo down it's path off the road.

Everything went black.

The Unnecessarily Complicated Love Life Of Kate Morrison. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now