Chapter Fifteen

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Ow, ow ow. I was flat out on my back, with a branch digging into my spine. The sun broke through the tree canopy and shone brightly into my eyes. I squinted my eyes shut and rolled over, cursing. This was shaping up to be the worst weekend of my life. Getting up, I began to brush off the leaves and dirt off my clothes. It was then I realised there was a lot of noise coming from behind me. Confused, I turned around and looked for the source of the noise. I could see in the distance, a group huddling on a wooden fenced in platform and pointing in my direction. I looked around trying to work out where they were pointing.

Oh, It was me.

I blushed. Embarrassed to be the centre of attention, I waved to indicate I was just fine. I looked around to find the man who nearly killed me to give him a piece of my own mind. Who engages in such a dangerous sport where you fall out of trees? I searched my surrounding and found him not far hanging off a rope, near a wall of netting, pointing and speaking fast to a tall shirtless muscular man tanned from the sun, he looked like a mess though, his blonde hair was long for a man, finishing off at his chin, most of it was tied back, but some strand were lose, He tucked those behind his ear as he listened to the guy, his beard stuck out in all directions I could see here clearly, it needed a trim a shave. Doesn't this man know beards are not in fashion? He looked a bit hobo. I shuddered. This man probably never showered or cared about his appearance. I decided to call him Mr Hobo man. He nodded at the man suspended in the air with cables, I tried to make sense of what sort of operation they had going here. Mr hobo man finished talking and began to make his way over to me doing a slow jog. I brushed the last of the bracken off the back of my skirt, I smiled at the man, as he neared, he looked a little dirty. I hope he didn't smell too bad. I steadied my breath, just in case.

Mr hobo man clearly knew the other guy was in the wrong and was coming over to apologise to me profusely for letting him engage in such a danger sport with no way of protecting the bystanders below. there should have been some fence around at least to keep people out. 

I put my hand out to shake his as he approached me, but was surprised what came out of his mouth next.

"What the hell did you think you were doing?" He seethed grabbing a hold of my upper arm and pulling me back the direction he came from. I gasped, inhaling his scent. He didn't stink. He smelt heavenly. Part of my brain was trying to work out what the scent was, while the other half focused on trying to work out what he was doing.

"How many times do I have to tell you stupid people Not. To. Step. Outside. The. Designated. Areas. Huh? You all think you're above the rules don't you? Silly little girl." I stared at him dumbfounded. What on earth was he talking about? He dragged me up to the platform where I'd seen people huddling earlier. They all watched without the whole saga in silence and without shame. Next the I knew I was forced to sit down in a chair. "You stay - until your bus arrives." He accentuated. "Understood?"

I was about to argue back, instead, I crossed my arms and nodded. Mr Hobo man stormed off back into the bush. his harness clips smacking furiously against his thighs as he strode off. I hoped like hell they'd hit him in the groin. He totally deserved it.

I didn't want to spend another minute in this hell hole. The bush must make people really snarky. I didn't blame them of course,  there were flies, and bugs! Ugh those annoying clicking bugs. I looked around trying to find out where the noise was coming from.

"Oh shut up you stupid bug, I can't think!" The clicking stopped. ah ha! I let out a little gleeful laugh then stopped. I was really losing my mind. You cant make bugs stop by telling them so, silly!

The clicking resumed. I guess it was taking a breather? Then a glisten off a glass caught my eye. I turned and looked.

Cameras. Lot of them. All pointed at me. So that was the clicking sound... I flushed red hot and put my hand up to shield my face. Mortified, I put my back to them and began walking out of the dratted place quickly as possible. There was no way now I was going to get a ride back with the bus, They'll be staring at me the whole time with their cameras out and waiting for me me to look away before they took any more photos. I looked behind again, they didn't stop snapping then either. I twisted back and started jogging as far as I could from the place.

The Unnecessarily Complicated Love Life Of Kate Morrison. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now