Chapter Two

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Relieved I made it home in one piece, albeit soaking wet from the rain. I rented small studio in Potts Point. I didn't bother to put the lights on, I wanted the room to demonstrate how I felt right now. I paused in the hallway, deciding a bottle of wine was a necessity tonight.

I stumbled over to the fridge pulling out the the cleanskin I had purchased recently, I threw my handbag onto the kitchen counter as I moved to the sofa. I moaned in satisfaction as the shoes came off me as I moved my way to the sofa. Never mind the watermarks I was going to regret in the morning. I opened the bottle, taking a swig. Forget wine glasses tonight. Glass was my new enemy. I was frustrated with tonight being a write off, I tossed up on the pro's and cons of breaking up with Brad after three years. All that time invested into the relationship... Running my hands through my now knotted hair from the rain, I knew I loved him, but I wasn't sure I could take Ginny as an conditional requirement of the relationship. It just felt lately, the more I sunk my claws into Brad the more she fought harder for his attention.

Ginny wasn't so bad to begin with in the start. It was her who after all, introduced me to him.

I had met Ginny through my tenth or so job as a Bank teller, she wasn't the best with money, and kept almost giving customers more than they should have. I was constantly having to jump in and fix her mistakes where I could. I didn't mind, it kept me busy. Then, a new bank manager of the branch had just started, Brad. Brad was highly admired by many of the female tellers there. Ginny would look over them in disgust and roll her eyes at them when they attempted to pick him up.

"I am so glad you don't have the hots for Brad." she whispered to me on one lunch break as she watched him get his lunch. I blushed then, I did have the hots for Brad. who didn't? Ginny, or so I thought, he was the right type of physique for a alpha male, tall, muscular, Dark hair, good looking, He pulled of the suit look so well. if we were in a tribe, he'd be the strongest of them all, and he'd have several wives by now.


"Yea, phfft, it's so sad how they fawn over him." I nodded to the girls following him discreetly as possible with their lunch in hand, ready to claim their spot next to him wherever he sat. I'd be just like them if I didn't have an ounce of self control.

"Oi! Brad! Over here!" Ginny shouted over the noise of the food court.

I instinctively tried to my myself smaller in my seat. "What are you doing?" I hissed at her.

"Inviting Brad over for lunch."

"I can see that, but why?" I wanted nothing more than to take the food try and hit her on the head for not only inviting Brad over, but his minions too.

"I want you to meet my best friend." She shrugged, oblivious to what she was doing.

"Your best friend?" I asked dumbly. Ginny nodded eagerly as Brad waved to her and made his way over.

"Brad, this is Kate, Kate, meet my best friend, Brad. now sit." she grabbed his arm and pushed him down onto the empty seat between us. Best friend? This was worse than I feared! I'm crushing after her best friend! I did everything I could to turn invisible after that moment.

"Sorry, girls! the table is full!" she called out to the descending horde of girls making their way to our table. They all gave Ginny the evil eye and retreated.

"Thanks Ginny, I thought I was going to have to eat lunch in the bathroom again." he shuddered. Ginny laughed. "Don't be silly, have lunch with us. We're cool. aren't we Kate?" I nodded silently and focused on my lunch as the two conversed and answered any questions directed at me for the rest of the lunch break.

"Kate?" I jumped, dropping the bag of coins I was carrying onto my foot. I cursed loudly as I clutched my foot, hopping around, I knew putting pressure on it wouldn't have helped, but in my head it did.

The Unnecessarily Complicated Love Life Of Kate Morrison. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now