The One With The Broken Hearts

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We were all there, a tense silence covering us. Our eyes glassy. Ari's pacing back and forth in the corner on the phone, Jack's at the reception desk trying talking to a nurse, Erica's eating nervously, and for once, Darion is crying. Sobbing, even.

I'm in the middle of it all, watching them all being caught up in this moment, when I see it all in pause and take a breath. I gaze down at my cut up and broken arm and start to slowly weep. I cupped my hands over my eyes and shake my head.

I should be the one in there... not Emma. Please, god.

I feel a clammy hand rest on my shoulder. A sniffle. A wipe of the eyes. Darion weeps out, "Bro, don't say that. I'm so happy you're safe."

"YOU DON'T GET IT! YOU DON'T FUCKING GET IT!" I jump up form his touch and yell, a few heads turning in the lobby. I sigh and sit back down, rubbing my head. Darion eyes me like a lost puppy dog.

"She is the love of my life. She's my everything. The world just seems... dull without her." I bring out my phone from my right pocket and scroll through my camera roll.

July 30th, 2025: Emma surprises me at my WWI reenactment

July 30th, 2025: Emma surprises me at my WWI reenactment

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November 8th, 2025: Taking Em to a Yankee's Game

November 8th, 2025: Taking Em to a Yankee's Game

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I'm so stupid. So, so stupid.


Emma P.O.V.

"Do you know your name, miss?"

A doctor comes into view, blurring a blaring bleached light out of my view. I sigh.

"Emma... Emma Geller-Green."

"When is your birthday?"

"April 4, 2002."

"We're going to bring your parents in. Don't be frightened."

Two eager, slightly aging people scurried into the room. The woman, her sunny bangs now tossed in stress, gripped onto my hand. The other, a tall and muscular man, wafted his hands through his graying hair worriedly.

I smiled weakly. I knew them anywhere, even if I did have amnesia. Rachel and Ross.

"My baby," mum hugs me, but she's pulled back by Ross. "You know who we are, don't you?"

"Of course I do," I laugh, which hurts my bruised rib cage.

Rachel hugs her husband and gazes lovingly down at me as the doctor guides them out. A tall figure squeezes between them into my room.

"You..." I look the body up and down. He had freckles covering his face, his thick framed glasses were tilted to the side, and his quiffed hair was scruffed up. He looked terrible, but it looked like he would be very attractive if he was cleaned up.

"You're the one that got me into this!" I shout, and his eyes fill with a deep depression.

"She's not ready for you," the doctor whispers, and I sigh. I'm breaking so many hearts.

"I was your boyfriend. I loved you. You were a model, and it's pretty obvious why. You're beautiful."

I laugh at the thought. Me? A model?

"You have a best friend, Ari. She plays Doctor Diana Ramoray on Days Of Our Lives."

"Ari Tribbiani? She's here?!" A nurse squealed. The guy nods. She must be pretty popular.

"And then there's me. Anthony, her brother. I've been in love with you since the second grade."


This book isn't going anywhere, which might be predicted by how short my books are lol. Don't worry, EMMA will still be alive and breathing. I don't know about "Emma" though...

XX Katy

EMMA {Friends Legacy Fic}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora