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vi. It ended long before
either of you said anything.

true (_) : false (_)

His eyes hurt an awful  lot. They were red and puffy, red lines sticking out from all corners.  He was used to the burning sensation though, the one in the wrapped around his throat and the feeling in the back of his eyes. Ever since that night,  he was left with a lot of lonely two am's all to himself, and almost all  of them were filled with tears. His eyes stained the empty canvas of  the white sheets, creating something he had been missing without her.  Comfort to say the most was the least thing he deserved, besides her  that is, but the tear stained pillows made him feel a little less alone. 

He tried to distract  himself a lot when it came to crying. He hated crying, mainly when it  was around her. The first time he confessed to her was when he came home  late, as per usual, and found her all cuddled up, alone. He softly and  quietly scooted himself next to her under the blankets and she  instinctively threw herself on to him. He whispered her name a few  times, but she didn't budge, so he thought she was still asleep.

Tears began to fill his  eyes as the guilt began to eat him alive. He said sorry about a thousand  times in a few sentences, his voice cracking a bit here and there.  Then, he said it. Quite ironically, he was the one to say "I love you,"  first, only to end it with, "I don't love you anymore,".

It was a big circle with  them. Something always came back from their past, but it always changed  into something so drastic, it was hard to connect it. Now, sitting  here, reading all these questions, he couldn't help, but laugh at how  much of a circle their love was. They were always drawn into circles  without even realizing it.

He marked an X next to  false, his handwriting etching underneath the statement, "we were so in  love, it hurt us to bits," he paused before continuing, his bottom lip  between his teeth, "I just ended it before anything could happen."

He looked back at the  timer. One minute ticked away ever so slowly as he watched the numbers  go down one by one. Turning back to the paper, he wrote, "I might have  said this before, and it is always true when it slips from my mouth, but  she was the best thing that ever happened to me,

I was just the worst thing that had to happen to her."

160807: the next chapter is the last one
and im not even ready for it :((((

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