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iii. If you were given a second chance,
you'd kiss her in the rain the Sunday before it ended.

true (_) : false (_)

She was someone who hated the rain and being in a relationship with someone who thought differently led rainy days oddly enjoyable. She would pout when her eyes were barely open, but she could hear the sound of the clouds crying upon her window. It was always so strange how he would wake up before her on these foggy days. She would always find him sitting between the walls that held their bedroom window and watching all the little raindrops race their way to the ground.

His messy bed hair would soon be filled with her fingers as she sat behind him. The question of what they would do that day would soon fall from one of their lips, only to be answered by the other, "cuddle?", "we always cuddle,", "then you think of something,".

Sooner or later, they would only do exactly that. Their warm bodies would press up against each other while a movie played softly in the background. Heavy sheets would wrap around them while she played with his hair or his hands. He would always fall asleep before her, with his busy schedule and all, but she never did mind this.

She would watch as his chest moved effortlessly up and down, light snores leaving his lips. Once in awhile, he would mumble out something inaudible and it would cause her to silently giggle to herself. Her head would slowly find it's way to his chest, listening to the sound of his heart beating and forgetting all about the movie that was playing.

Being a person who found it hard to fall asleep, she would always end up tossing and turning in his arms, annoyed by the fact that she was so tired, but couldn't actually fall asleep. This would accidentally wake up the sleepy boy and when he realized that she couldn't sleep, he would tangle her up with himself, place a sloppy kiss on her forehead, and hum quietly until they both ended up drifting off.

The best memories were spent on those rainy days. All the singing and story telling turned into quiet moments and i love you's. She would usually tell him about her day before since she didn't really get to talk to him when he came home; she was always asleep before then, and he always felt bad about leaving her to sleep alone.

"If you were given a second chance, you'd kiss her in the rain the Sunday before it ended," a small smile tugged on his lips as he read the statement. His eyes dropped down to his hands, the smile still on his face, as the lazy, rainy days sprung into his head momentarily. A heavy sigh relaxed his shoulders before he pressed the pen into the paper, marking an X next to true, "I'd give anything to be able to kiss her again," his smile faded, "especially in the rain."

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