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ii. It was her fault.
true (_) : false (_)

"You guys had galaxies between you," his friend muttered into his hands, his sweater paws covering his fists, "and you're going to tell me you still needed space?" a loud "huh" fell from his lips as he faced back to his book, "you fucked up dude," he whispered, only to repeat himself louder for him to hear, "you fucked up."

"I know I did," he whined, "that's why I'm asking you what I should do?" his friend shook his head as his hands rubbed his temples. "Why did you even tell her you didn't love her anymore if you still do?" he questioned, his eyebrows stitched together, "what kind of fucking idiot," his sentence faded off as he turned his back to him.

"I didn't mean to," his friend tilted his head back at him, his face reading off just how stupid his response was. "Alright, well first of all," he sighed, turning his chair so his body faced the moron standing before him, "don't be a fuck and not admit that you made a mistake," he began to click the end of his pen while swaying his feet back and forth, "and second of all, if you really need help to understand what you should do, you are the most idiotic person I have ever encountered," he waited for him to speak as he laid his shoulder against the door frame, his head tilted to the floor.

"I can't believe I lost her," he sniffled, tears beginning to build up in his eyes, "I had everything, Haneul, and I messed up," he kept his eyes on the floor as he scuffed his foot to the side. Haneul sat with his lips thin, dumbfounded by how he could've just lied to her for his own good, "was it her fault?" Haneul asked, receiving the boy's head to swing up to the question.

"What?" his eyes widened, eyebrows furrowing. "Was it her fault that you said that, that you felt that at the moment?" with his eyes still wide, his head dropped back down to his feet. He thought hard about the question; wanting to say yes, but was it really?

"No," he finally muttered, his voice cracking, "it was far from her fault," his tongue swirled around his front teeth as he nodded his head slightly up and down. The realization of what he had done was finally hitting him, sadly all at once.

"Then why did you tell her that you didn't love her?" Haneul's hands were still in balls as he placed them in his lap, his glasses sliding down his nose slowly as he adjusted his hair.

"Because," he stuttered, his feet untangling themselves as he began to play with his fingers, "because when I was admiring her and watched the way her eyes sang heavenly melodies and the way her smile sat heavy against her lips, I realized I wasn't good enough," the words slipping from his mouth made his heart sink. He was never good enough for her, he knew that, so to let something so unmeaning happen for so long, it just showed how selfish he truly was.

"I wasn't good enough," he repeated more quietly to himself, a tear slipping from the corner of his eye. Haneul bit the inside of his cheek before speaking, "so, that's it? You gave up on someone who loved you with every bit they had in them because you were thinking of you?" his body turned away from the boy crying silently, "wow, just wow."

"I wasn't thinking of just me," he argued, his head springing up, "I thought about how she deserved so much better than what I was giving her. I came home late every night, tired and grumpy, not even able to hear about her day. I was too busy for her text messages and calls when I was away. She deserves someone who can give her more than just fireworks in her eyes and not heartbreak every night."

"You're pathetic," Haneul spat back, "if you think that, then you know exactly what you have to do, you don't need my help," he turned his head before he left the room, "you just needed me to realize what you really feel and I'm glad I could help."

Instantly, when he read the question, he didn't have to think twice about his answer. He marked false before writing, "I wish it had been."

160806: it was hard writing he a lot
and not getting myself confused so
i gave the anonymous boy a name
+ this chapter sucks im sorry.

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