The Previous Paladin

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(New cover to the sequel I'll be doing!)


"Pidge, look up Central Command, find out where that ship is headed" I demanded, my heart racing and pounding out of worry for Jinx.

"On it!"

"What happened? Where's Allura?! Where's Jinx?!" Coran asked.

"They both sacrificed eachother to save me and the information, I didn't have a choice" I explained.

"How's that possible?!" He shouted.

"Coran, I'm sorry that things didn't go as planned but we can't focus on what went wrong! We gotta figure out how to make it right, Pidge, anything?" I asked her.

"Look at this" Pidge touched the screen and a base popped up!

It's gigantic.

"Look at the size of that thing!"

"Guys, if we want to save them then we have to go fast, any minute we waste gives Zarkon time to prepare for us" Pidge informed.

"I agree, we form Voltron, fly in, and fly out" Lance stated.

"Um, do you guys not remember the Balmera? We could barely take out one fleet but this, a base this size could hold a thousand fleets!" Hunk explained.

"Or, maybe we shouldn't go on this mission at all, think about it, we'll be delivering the Universes only to the Universes biggest enemy" Keith exclaimed and my brow twitched in anger.

Is he seriously suggesting we leave Jinx, and Allura, behind?!

"Keith, that's cold even for you, what if it was one of us? What if it was me? You wouldn't leave me, would you?" Hunk asked and Keith looked down.

He would....

"I'm not saying I like the idea, I'm just thinking like a Paladin" Keith growled.

"No, you're thinking of yourself because you're too scared to do what's right!" Lance shouted, angry.

"Okay, we're all upset because we lost Jinx and Allura-"

"No! Shiro lost Jinx and Allura!" Coran interrupted.

"Okay! Okay! This isn't helping, we can't just sit here and bicker like this!" Hunk yelled.

"Let's focus, how are we going to get Jinx and Allura"

My love....I promise I'll save you from that hell.

Zarkon will regret taking you from me once I get my hands on him.


"My Lord, can you believe these animals?! They accused me of betraying you! These mongrols should be put to death-!"

"Enough Jinx!"

I went silent.

"How did you escape the Paladins grasp?" He asked as I straightened my posture.

"I turned into Seilah, just like you would've wanted" I smirked and he chuckled.

"Though I could not kill them, I almost sent the blue Paladin into a coma, and don't worry, his blood was spilled" Zarkon turned around and grinned wickedly at me.

"And you now know that I am your father?"

"Yes, but it wasn't all that surprising, we are both wicked after all" He set his hand on my shoulder.

"My daughter, you have made me proud, together we will conquer the Universe and destroy Voltron, once and for all!" He proclaimed.

Once and for all....

The door opened and revealed was Allura!

"Princess Allura" Father said, his back to her as she gasped, seeing me at his side.

"You monster! You destroyed Altea!
-Argh!" Haggar captured her with her magicks and she gasped out in pain, then slammed her into the ground.

" going to put an end to your Empire!" I started laughing maniacally, Allura stared at me in shock.

"You honestly think those worthless Paladins could take on Zarkon and defeat him?! Think again Princess!" I shouted at her.

I'm lying Allura! Please see that!

"No, it will only make me more powerful, your father knew it as well as I, that's why he lead me to believe it was destroyed all those years ago, but now your new Paladins will come for you, delivering Voltron to me, and with it the key to unimaginable power" Father-I mean Zarkon proclaimed.

Allura, no! They can't come!

"Get this puny human out-"

"Father, allow me to rid of her" I smirked and grabbed the back of her armor, dragging her out and putting her back in her cell.

"How could you Jinx-?!"

"Ssh! Allura, I'm faking it all! I love Shiro with all my heart and would never think of betraying him, or you, whatever I'm doing is for you" She nodded and sat down.

"Good luck" She whispered and I nodded before closing it and walking out.

Voltron: Blinded Love [Voltron WA 2017]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora