You can't kill him. . .!

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"Pidge, no," I pleaded for her to stay and fight for Voltron, but she wasn't having any of it.

"The downloads from the Galra ship was just enough to get me in the right direction to start my search, I have a pod already to go." She explained and I was already seeing how she felt, if my father was alive, or mother, I'd want to search the universe until I found them.

"You can't leave," Keith told her.

"You can't tell me what to do!" I could tell she was starting to get angry.

"If you leave, we can't form Voltron, and that means we can't defend the Universe from Zarkon, you're not the only one with a family!" Keith exclaimed as Pidge looked away from him.

"Yeah, I have a family, and I want to be with them, is-is that a thing that could happen?" Hunk added and I started to get angry, and when I get angry, no one is happy.

"You want to leave to?" Allura asked.

"Of course I do! Look, Voltron is super cool, don't get me wrong, but I never signed up for a lifetime in space fighting aliens!" Hunk explained and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Keiths' brow twitch in anger.

"You're putting the lives of two people, over the lives of everyone else in the entire Galax-!"

"Keith, that's not how a team works, people have to want to be apart of it, they can't be forced," Shiro put his hand in Keiths shoulder to stop him.

"If you want to leave then we won't try and stop you, just please think about what you're doing."

Shiro doesn't want her to leave either.

"I'm sorry, you're gonna have to find someone to pilot the Green Lion," Pidge explained with a sad expression as she started to walk away.

"I can't believe it, this team is falling apart, how will we ever form Voltron?" Allura wondered aloud.

"Guys, I have to go, I'll be right back," I suddenly took off into the castle and ran for my room, shutting the door and locking it when I entered.

What's. . .what's wrong with my eyes?!

I can't see anything in my mind right now!

I'm standing! I can't see! My mask is on, so what's the problem?!

I clutched my arm's together before hearing a knock on the door.

"Jinx? Is everything okay?"


"I can't see! My mind. . .it's not putting in anything! No scene! No nothing! Shiro, help!" I pleaded, my stance perfect but nothing popping up into my mind.

"Coming in!" He literally broke down the door.

"Take your mask off." He demanded, helping me stand up and I nodded, slipping it off and I gasped, putting my hands over my mouth.

I-I. . .I can see!

Everything. . .is so clear now! I can actually see with my eyes!

"Shiro, I can see you, I can see everything through my eyes now! How's that even a possibility?!" I gasped out as the others came in.

"I think I might have a theor-"

Suddenly, a giant explosion was heard and we all yelled.

We all ran towards where the explosion came from, where the crystal is, and found Lance unconscious!

"We have to get him to the infirmary!" Pidge demanded.

"But without the crystal, no castle has no power!"

"Guys, I think I know who took it. . .Sendak," I growled before racing out of the room in pure rage, my eyes darting as I swung with my weapon that gripped the roof everytime.

I could smell the little bastard from a mile away.

"Mistress! You have betrayed us!" He growled at me as I gripped my weapon in my hands.

"You can't beat me Sendak, you've learned that, so stand aside before I end up beating you!" I shouted, getting into my stance and completely focused.

"Step aside human, I have no interest in fighting you."

Who's he talking to?

"No, you're not getting in!"


"Yes, I am," Sendak ran at me, but I did a double kick in his gut and he hit the ground with a thud, not giving up though.

"Raah!" Sendak swung his arm at Shiro, grabbing his cyborg arm and pulling Shiro towards him! About to smash him!

"Don't. You. Dare!" I growled, blocking his attack with my nails on my weapon and shoving him back, allowing Shiro to escape him.

Running at Sendak, Shiro's cyborg arm turned on and scraped Sendaks', finally, their fists collided.

"I see you've been spending time with the druitts, they love experimenting, too bad you didn't get the latest tech." His arm shot out at Shiro, sending him flying back into the castle.

"You're going to die! No one hurts my friends and gets away with it!" I screamed, flying at him and launching my weapon at him, it scraped his cheek and blood started pouring out.

"Brat!" Sendak ran at me and I smirked.

But then, he backflipped past me and was starting for Shiro!

Hasn't he learned at all?!

Swinging into action, by the time I got there I spotted Sendaks arm at Shiro's throat, and Shiro's hand at Sendaks throat.

"Let him go, or else she won't survive, along with him," They pointed a blaster at my head and I growled under my breathe as one kicked Lance aside.

With one swipe, Sendak hurled Shiro towards me and he tumbled at my feet.

"Shiro-argh!" I shouted in pain as they hit my head with a blaster, immediately making black spots clouded my vision as I landed next to Shiro.

My hand on his.

Shiro. . .I'm sorry.

Voltron: Blinded Love [Voltron WA 2017]Where stories live. Discover now