A Dance with Shiro~senpai

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(That's her dress!)


"The monster fell from the sky, it was an epic battle, but Voltron was victorious!"

"Thank you your majesty for that. . .wonderful production, if you'll excuse me, I must check on my friend," She left to the bathroom.

Jinx, where'd she go-?

"No Allura! I'm not wearing this!"


"Yes, you are! Don't you want to impress Shiro?-Ow!"

"Shut up! And fine, I'll wear the stupid dress!"

Impress me?

Jinx descended down the stairs in a beautiful short dress which had black and white, her purple hair tied back, her mask on, white heels with light purple.

"You're beautiful."

Why did I say that outloud?!

"Heheh, thanks Shiro, and you look handsome, as always~" She winked before walking away to mingle.

Did she just. . .flirt with me?


"We need to get something like that." Hunk said as he joined me, Lance and Keith.

"Like what?" Lance asked, and I could see his hand going towards my leg, so I smacked it and he frowned.

"Like a team cheer-Lance, stop touching her, it's obvious she likes Shiro," Hunk smirked as I wacked Lance upside his head, then they all smirked at me.

"Oh please, like I'd want to be with anyone right now," I scoffed before sipping on my tea I made instead of drinking this. . .whatever the hell it is.

"Yeah guys, she's right, she doesn't like Shiro," Keith backed me up.

"Thank you, Keith-"

"She loooves him!" The three stooges said in sync before laughing and I growled at them.

"And yeah, a cheer would be good-"

"I swear to god if it's what I think it is-"

"I say Vol, you say Tron! Vol-?" Lance asked Keith.

"Voltron?" Keith guessed and I snorted.

Where's Shiro? He's the only one who can control these idiots.

My eyes landed on him as he leaned against the wall and I walked towards him with a smile.

"Sup leader." I greeted and he chuckled.

"Hey Jinx, I'm glad to see you're doing well. . .listen, I'm so so sorry about the other day, I was careless and-"

"Shiro, you can't blame yourself, it's my fault for leaving my weapon, so shut up or else-"

"Or else what?" He teased, his face so close to mine.

"I'll kiss you," I replied with a smirk, but he didn't pull away.

"Sh-Shiro. . .?" I asked, his lips close to mine.

"Y-yeah?" He stuttered-

"WHOA! Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt."


"U-um, Shiro? Have you had any visions of the past-"

"I know what you mean, and yes, I can't believe we knew eachother and. . .I didn't remember you," He breathed out.

"Me too, and we were...together! Wow, that's um, something! B-but I did remember something that was sort of-"

I zoned him out, blush spreading across my face at a fast rate.

"Sorry! I'm making you uncomfortable!" He apologized, then I heard music?!

"Come on you two lovebirds! Go and. . .dance!" Lance and Hunk grunted as they shoved us in the middle of the room, chest to chest.


"I can't dance, idiots-! Shiro?! What are you doing?!" I gasped out as he set his hand on my hip, intertwined our fingers together, and I awkwardly set my hand on his shoulder.

"Let's dance." He chuckled and started swaying to the music, I could feel my blush deepen.

"B-but I can't-!"

"Then I'll teach you, my mistress," He used the saying the Galran would use and I giggled, dancing along with him.

"You're really good." I complimented him.

"So are you." He leaned his face closer to mine and I breathed out.

I'm sorry, Shiro.

But I can't let this happen, I can't let us happen-

"Shiro? Jinx? Can I talk to you two?" Pidge interrupted and we nodded, well I did, leaving Shiro there, walking outside with her.

"I'm leaving Voltron."

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